Chapter 4

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I cut off the engine of my bike after parking in a shadowed area where I usually hid my bike and hung my helmet carefully on the hook under the steer so it won't fall before making my way inside the building.

Let me tell you about the Underground. It's a place where people street fight, spectate fights and bet on the fights. It's illegal and not many people know of it. Female fighters are scarce. 

Here, I go by Pixie. Long story short, the first time that Bryant brought me here, I had a fresh pixie haircut and I guess the nickname stuck.

The basic rules are you get money if you win and go home empty handed, battered and bruised, if you lose.

Most of you are probably wondering why I fight. It's not for the money and it's certainly not for the fame or attention.

My brother taught me everything I know. From school subjects to swimming, riding bicycles, motorbikes, driving and of course, fighting. I know it may sound sick but every time I fight, it feels like a part of him is still with me and I want to hang on to that thin thread.

Besides, I'm pretty good at fighting and it's my hobby.

As I made my way inside, I greeted the bartender and scanned the place. I made sure to tie my hair into a high ponytail before coming in so that it'll stay away from my eyes. The place were as crowded as it usually gets tonight, fighters and spectators crowded around the ring where two guys where in the middle of a brawl.

Jogging up to the table where you need to sign in before you get to fight, I jotted my nickname down on the bottom of all the fighters' name and took a seat on one of the stools by the bar.

The guys up fighting are both buff and tough looking people and one of them is a dear friend. I watched intently as the blonde dude took a jab to the jaw. He's a newbie, that is pretty obvious from his unfamiliar face and the black haired guy seemed to be going easy on him for it. 

The black haired guy managed to trip blondie and blondie's back made contact with the floor. I can tell it was a pretty hard fall but the sound was swallowed by the cheers and hollers from the crowd. Blondie was either too tired or too out of it but regardless, he didn't stand back up and the black haired guy was declared as the winner.

He caught my eyes as he raised both of his gloved hands and he grinned, seeming ecstatic to see me. He made his way down towards where I was standing and greeted me. "Yo Pixie! Glad you could make it, how's it holding up?" He pointed at my jaw that was almost completely healed from my previous fight. I grinned back at him, "It's healing pretty quick, I'm ready to fight as soon as they call my name."

"Atta girl! Never letting anything bring you down!" He was about to say something else but the speakers went on and my name was called up. "Go kick some ass, sweet cheeks." I smiled cheekily at him, "When have I ever disappoint?" 

Wit that, I ran up towards the ring with my backpack swinging slightly from my left shoulder. I set my things on my corner before I stretched and started wrapping my hand up.

I never listened for my opponent's name, I like to keep it a surprise. Finishing the wrap, I fisted my hands a few times before warming up a bit more before I walked up to meet my opponent. He had a great built and a bulky posture. Guys tend to not wear shirts when they fight and I learnt to not be bothered by them flanking their abs. 

This guy has a familiar gleam in his eyes that was irking me. When I finally figured out that it was the same look Bryant always has when he knows he's gonna beat me in a game of chess, my irritation spiked. It was partly because I don't like how that look reminds me so much of my brother and partly because I despise cocky assholes with a passion.

When the match started, the crowd roared with excitement. I watched his movements carefully and indulged in the familiar feel of adrenaline rushing through my veins. After a few minutes of dodging his hits and annoying him, I finally caught on to his moves. 

He slightly ducks his head before throwing a punch and he shuffles on his feet before throwing a kick. I also noticed that the left side of his jaw was wide open most of the time since he seemed to be left handed.

I made a fleeting decision and gave him a blow on the side of his thigh hard enough to make his leg slightly limp. I was always known for my speed, another reason for the nickname. I made a move to jab him but got blocked.

As I expected, he covered his face with both of his hands but he didn't do it properly and the side of his face was left unprotected. In the midst of throwing a jab, I swung my fist, aiming for his jaw and was rewarded with the big guy stumbling backwards before he caught himself.

For the finishing blow, I grabbed the back of his neck, ready to pull him down and knee him in the face. However, he caught on sooner than I expected and tried to cover his face before I can bring my knee onto it. I started to improvise and used the inside of my arm, right below my elbow to hit his adam apple while my foot went behind him and hooked itself to the back of his knee, effectively tripping him.

I think he took a pretty hard fall. It was either that or he was just too embarrassed to face the crowd. Either way, like any other nights, I was declared winner and the crowd went wild. Thumping of the bottom of beer glasses against the countertop went on and the place thundered of life. I collected my money and waved goodbye to the bartender before making my way to my bike.

I stuffed the money in the inside pocket of my leather jacket and zip it up over my fitting V neck shirt. I took my trainees from the compartment under the seat and wore it over the black shorts. Much better.

I don't particularly fancy the attire I wear when I fight but it's the only outfit that's not too showy yet fitting to use in a fight that I can think of.

I took the helmet that was dangling on the bike's hook below the steer. No one would've dared to take it from it's place once they saw the silhouette of a pixie on it. People here knows not to mess with me and I, for once, am happy that that was the case. Associating myself with the people that hung out in this place would mean trouble and I have enough on my plate as it is.

I hopped on the bike and inserted the key to the ignition before kickstarting it alive and pulling out of there.

Now, to deal with that assignment the English teacher gave us.

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