Chapter 23

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I stared into the deep depths of those startling blue eyes as he stepped closer.

Unconsciously, I got off my bike and leaned on it, trying to calm my nerves while taking the helmet off.

The last time I saw him, he left a huge impression on me and trust me, it's not the good kind.

"What are you doing here, Case?" He asked me softly and without realizing it, anger was bubbling up in me and I felt my insides boil with fury.

"What am I doing here is none of your business. What are you doing here?" I snapped. I didn't know why I was so enraged by the second but I didn't have it in me to care.

He shook his head. "You're standing on dangerous grounds right now, Case. Are you mad? Are you trying to get yourself killed?" He sneered at me and I scowled at him. He's being irrational right now. He knows that I can kick ass.

"What are you implying here, Dom?" I seethed. No one insults my fighting skills and gets away with it. It enrages me almost as much as when Bryant decided it was funny to take a scoop of my ice cream from the tub itself in front of me.

But this time it was different. Dom's eyes flashed with something foreign as he looked past me. His eyes now focused on the person breathing down my neck.

My muscles tensed when I felt a hot breath fanning the back of my neck.

"Ah Casey, what a pleasant surprise." I squeezed my eyes shut. You have got to be shitting me. Who the fuck is it this time.

I took a step forward, towards Dom before spinning around and faced what I hope is a man that I have never met before.

"Do I know you?" I tried keeping my voice firm but all I got in return was a crooked smile. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Please don't be some psycho dude who used to be my friend and is reappearing to take vengeance on me. I prayed silently and as if God was listening, he granted me my wish as the dude before me rewarded me with a slow shake of his head, his dark brown locks that was gelled up to the side didn't waver.

I breathed a sigh of relief through my nose, oh thank my lucky stars.

"No but I know you." The sigh of relief was cut short as I tensed up once again, everything in me screaming for me to beat this guy to pulp.

I eyed him warily before asking me the sentence that caused a wry smile to be etched on his annoying face, showing the side dimples he has.

"I knew Bryant, I was friends with him once upon a time." He sighed, as if reliving the memory once more. I shuddered, the dude was giving me the creeps.

"He told me a few things about you, Casey; and I was, to say the least, intrigued. If you are anything like the girl he described you to be, you're a very interesting specimen, now aren't you." I snorted at him. If this is what flirting has been reduced to, I'll pass.

"You tell me," I muttered briskly but was cut short by him, apparently not done with his speech and moment of truth.

"Bryant mentioned having a sister and after a year of friendship with him blabbering about how amazing his baby sister is, the fascination gets rather, influential." I shivered. The dude's a pedophile. I don't care who you are, don't even dare pull out the 'technically, he's not 10 years older than you' shit on me.

He's a pedophile. End of discussion.

Of course, the things he was saying doesn't make sense.

Why would Bryant hide something like this from me? Why have I never met the guy?

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