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"You sure you're alive?" Y/n rubbed his eyes, sitting up.

"What's that supposed to mean?!?"

"Hey why didn't you take your shoes off before coming into my house." Y/n grabbed his sandal and threw it at the males face.

"What th-" The male managesd to dodge the sandal but ended up hitting his head with the door frame.

"Take your shoes off, you're dirtying my floors!" Y/n throws his othet sandal at him, this one actually hitting him in the face.

"Fuck- Okay okay damn-" The male hesitantly takes his boots? off, setting them on the side.

"Great come, I have a a room over here." Y/n gets up off his bed and takes walks out of his room, dragging the tall homeless looking male by the collar of his shirt towards the designated area.

"You really don't fear death, do you?"

"You do know I can crem-"

"Im surrounded by death everywhere I go, Mr. Beef Jerky." Y/n opens the door and leads the male inside the therapy room.

"Whar kind of freak are you to have a room like this?-"

"I freak who does therapy sessions, now sit." Y/n pointed to the big purple sofa.

"Why is everything purple."

"I like purple."

". . . ." The tall male sits down as he is uncontrollably behind observed by the purple obsessed guy that now suddenly has a clipboard.

"Alright, when did you first start experiencing the love of your father wither away?" Y/n looked over at the uncomfortable male.

"I really don't--"

Y/n glared at the male.

"When my youngest brother awakened his quirk-"

"Mhm, and now are things with your brother?" Y/n scribbled letters with his pen.

The Male hesitated, "I don't think I shou-

"Your father, how's things with them?"

Y/n smirked, sitting comfortably as he watched the uncomfortable male slowly clench his fists, biting the inside of his lip as he looked away.

"Got it, have you tried talking to him or work things out?~"

The male paused before slightly glaring at Y/n.

"What do you know?" The homeless guy tsked.

"I know a lot more than you do, now why are you at my house."

"Do you work of the association?" Y/n clicks his pen.



"I'm scouting members."

"What for?" Y/n got up.

"A league, for villains." Y/n paused and sat himself back down.

"Go on~" Y/n listens, nodding his head at everything he heard.


"So my boss is looking for someone with and interesting quirk for an attack."

"An attack? On who?" Y/n asks, yawning softly.

"U.A Highschool, our target is Al-"

"Declined, find someone else."

"What?- Why?"

"I have high hope for the students there, and  sure you know who I am, since you did manage to find my address. Am I right?" Y/n runs full speed to the male, placing the pen near the males neck.

"That's not such a good idea." A hand wrapped around Y/n's neck, a slight burn started forming, causing Y/n to hiss and started digging the pen into the males nape.

"Why not use that fancy quirk, that you're so proud of?~"

"Fuck off, who the fuck attacks a schoool full of teenagers for a damn hero?!" Y/n straddles the males lap, glaring into the male's eyes.

"A league of villain's." Y/n grits his teeth.

"Are you serious?!- even a fucking hobo on the street knows thats wrong." Y/n bites the inside of his cheek, enduring the pain.

"I guess you could say that, at least we aren't playing an act like you." The male pushes Y/n off, immediately pinning their hands on the ground and hovering over them.

"So are you joining or not?" Takes a deep breath, using his knee to hurt the male.

"Im not falling for a dumb trick like that."

"No, I won't be joining." Y/n kicks his feet, unable to free himself.

"So be it then." The male pulls out his hand, creating blue flames in the palm of his hand, aiming it for Y/n's face.

"How dare you-" Y/n activates his quirk, looking behind the couch.

"Are you going to help or not?" He glares slightly.

Suddenly, the males flames stopped as his feet were dragged down the hall.

Y/n got up, dusting himself off and looked at his wrists.

"Fuck you, I could've lost my beautiful face." Y/n flicks the figure off and sighs, looking down at the homeless looking guy.

"Dispose of him, anywhere far, far away from me is fine." Y/n stomped on the males 'ahem' and looks into his eyes, uninterested.

"Im sure he would've loved this sight, it's not every night i use his tactics."  Y/n smirks, mumbling to himself.

"Keep him alive though." Y/n turns to the figure, it nods before dragging the hurt male away.

Not long after Y/n waited for it to come back, tapping his foot impatiently.

"What a mess, all I wanted was a therapy session." Y/n picked up and cleaned the mess created.

"I have patrol tomorrow. . ." Y/n looked at his wrists and glided his fingers along the burn marks on his neck.

"Im so drained." Y/n smiles softly, immediately falling limp on the fluffy couch, passed the fuck out.


Eee I hope you enjoyed


{906 words}

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