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"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

A set of blue flames shot at Y/n, barely able to touch a single strand of his hair.

"How dare you attack me!!" Y/n placed his hand on his face, in disbelief. Placing his free hand on his chest dramatically.

"You're the one to talk! You bloody threw me in a lake?! A LAKE!" The arsonist kept shooting his flames in his direction, carefully keeping a distance from the sleep deprived psycho.

"You're the one who came into my house uninvited-" Y/n sprinted full speed towards the emo looking male, quick to activate his quirk, a pool of purple aura sucking Y/n in.

"AND WITHOUT TAKING YOUR NASTY BOOTS OFF!!" A strong fist hit the face of the villain, causing him to slightly stumbled over.

"Not only that, your mud stains tool forevwr to clean off my wooden floors." Y/n huffed and puffed, crossing his arms as he watched the villain glare daggers at him.

"What? Did that hurt you?~" Y/n giggled, running up to the villain once more, his fist ready.

He jumped up mid air, barely dogging(?) the firey blue flames shot at him as he threw himself towards the villain, locking his eyes with him.

"You hit like a bitch~" The burnt up poptart smirked, moving his arms ever so slightly, emitting flames from the ground, blocking the hero from him.

The enraged hero bit his quivering lip, slightly tearing at the skin. His ability was useless unless he was able to form a connection with his zombie like creatures. He cursed himself, unable to hide his worried expression.

Y/n sensed his creatures moving around the burning building, along side the living holding onto the thin string of what is called life.

"Luce, how much longer?" Y/n rubbed the blood off his lip, moving his left foot slightly to the left.

"We have approximately 3 to 4 minutes left until-

"That wont do." Y/n took a deep breath the purple pool emerging from beneath him, sucking him in.

"I need more time Luce, do what you must, call the twins for all I care." Not long after, he jumped down from the pool of aura(?) from the sky, dropping onto the villian's shoulders.

"H-HEY GET OFF OF ME YOU LEECH!" The villain shreaked, attempting to shake off the hero.

Y/n wrapped his legs around the villains neck, his thighs close to crushing the poor soul.

"FUCKING CHR-" A stinging pain dug into the males leg, the burn mark was of a hand, that was burned deeply into the male's skin, exposing his tissue(idk help please)

"Fuck fuck fuck-" The male croed in agony, his strength slowly weakening.

"Im so fucking stupid! I SHOULD'VE BROUGHT THE BIRD BRAIN" Y/n cursed i tot he villains ear, still clinging onto him, enduring the pain inflicted kn return.

"Luce- you.. could fucking- hurry up!" Y/n dug his nails into his palm, forming fists.

"Master! They aren't available at rhe moment! They're at the high-" Luce unable to fully communicate without Y/ns full consciousness disappeared.

"High- HIGH-SCHOOL?!-" Y/n loosened up his grip, being pushed off the villain almost immediately as he hit the hard cemented floor.

"The high- school- " Y/n coughed, unable to breathe due to the ashes and buring flames.

He thought to himself how he was unable to activate his quirk, his entire mental power was drained in a small amount of time regardless of being in good health.

He cursed and cursed to himself reaching out, unable to even crawl away.

"I'll put your misery to an end, Sato Y/n." A harsh chuckle left Y/ns lips as he stared up at the villain.

"Any last words? Hm~" The villain knelt down smirking uncontrollably.

Y/n simply coughed, his eyes squinting.as his vision became blurry and his hearing foggy.

"Pl-please... please hold me."


Authorkun is dying

I might delete this chapter- im not so proud of it since it was a draft for over a month-

I hope you enjoy readers!


{694 words}

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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