Chapter 26

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It was two days later and I feel incredibly guilty for doing what I did to Draco but it was for the best....

Harry and Ron heard what I did and started being normal with me again but why do I still feel like crap.

Pretty much all the Slytherins hate me even more than they did before. Adrian pretends to but when we're alone he gives me updates on how Dracos doing. Pansy has been nothing but exceptionally rude to me nudging me and calling me names when she can.

I felt sick to my stomach when I came early to class and saw only him in there I tried to turn around and leave but he said "it's fine Y/L/N you can sit in here I was just about to leave anyway" as he packed his things "wait you're skipping class?" I asked he stops walking once he gets to me "yup." He says then nudges past me. I deserved that.

After lunch I had a free period and ran into Adrian "psst Adrian" I whispered he looks to see if anyone's around and comes up and hugs me "hey if is isn't the little Malfoy heart breaker" he teases "not funny" I say he chuckles "so? How has he been?" I asked "well he's being very quiet and not talking to anyone really- uh tell me why you did this to him" he said with his finger on his lips "that's not important right now the thing is..." I looked around to see if anyone was there

" I like Malfoy....." I said, he just looked at me really confused "like a lot" I said nope still nothing "like boyfriend wanna date like" I said hoping he'd get the message his face lit up "oooooo no way! Really!?" He yelled i shushed him and put my hand over his mouth "be any louder could ya!" I growled he put his hands in the air and I slowly put my hand down "awwww Gryfindork has a wee lil crush" he mocks I rolls my eyes "yeah yeah ok but you can't tell anyone not even Draco ok!" I said he nods in agreement

"so now what?" He says I stay silent he's right now what? I made my decision I can't do anything about the fact that I like him because I chose my friends over him....wait I minute- "I-I need to go" I said quickly and walked away.

I needed to find Draco and fix this mess I said speed walking to the dungeons until I knock into someone "Ooft- well we'll if it isn't pathetic L/N" said Pansy I huff I don't have time for this "not right now Pansy.." I said trying to push past her "you really broke him you know that!" She yelled making me halt.

I turn back to face her she had tears in her eyes "Yep YOU broke him a stupid dumb Gryffindor it's always been you ever since 2nd year he's liked you! But not me" She said sobbing I felt horrible and sat down next to her "you....really like him huh?" She scoffed "I don't think like is the right term for it" I look at my knees "but it's no matter he likes you anyways"
she said

my heart lit up He likes me back!? "Just...please talk to him and fix what you did wrong" she said looking at me "I'll try" I say she smile and nods
I sit up and help her up she sends me a smile and walks away hmm maybe Pansy isn't all horrible. "hes gone to the black lake, its where he goes to clear his mind" Pansy said I nod and quickly run to the black lake.

screw Harry and Ron if they're really my best mates they would be happy me for no matter what. What felt like ive been running for ages i see malfoy aggressively writing in his notebook crap hes pissed. I slowly walk up
to him and sit next to him huffing because lord knows i am not the most athletic person, it was silent for several seconds before i spoke "look..Harry and Ron have been-" "save it Y/L/N i really don't care-" draco said cutting me off "I like you idiot!" I quickly said.

Malfoy looked at me wide-eyed and i covered my mouth realising what i just said "wait a minute..what did you just say" Malfoy said smirking with triumph, at this point my face is burning "I like you okay..and its been killing me not being able to be with you.." great tears are going to form in my eyes "and I get that i hurt you and you have every right to hate me but i have never felt this way towards anyone and-" he cut me off with a passionate kiss

I kiss him back and he kisses me harder I then climb onto his lap holding his hair before he broke the kiss to speak "you never felt this way towards anyone?" he said with a playful tone i playfully pinch his cheeks and we both laugh before he slowly kisses me again

friends or foes? (a draco malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now