Chapter Fourteen

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As I quietly make my way to the kitchen, I see Beyoncé unwrapping a package of Pop Tarts, which is the only thing she can cook right.

Beyoncé rarely cooks, but wait if she did cook, let's be completely honest here, her ass can't cook for absolutely shit.

She doesn't know how to cook, and she doesn't care much for learning how too.

Anyways Beyoncé is wearing nothing but her yellow boxers and her yellow socks.

God, she looks so fucking sexy as fuck.

As I then lean against the kitchen archway, my eyes scan up and down Beyoncé's half naked body.

I lick my lips as I continue to stare.

Damn Beyoncé is a gorgeous human being.

How the fuck did I end up with such a sexy hot ass person like her.

Anyways I get off the archway, while then making my way more into the kitchen, where she's making her Pop Tarts.

As I wrap my arms around her stomach, I kiss her shoulder and the back of her neck.

I know that she's smiling hard as fuck now.

"Good morning Nic, nice of you to finally wake up." Beyoncé jokes, laughing quietly to herself.

"Hey! I was dreaming bout you, bae." I said, mysteriously.

Beyoncé then turns around in my arms, with a grin plastered on her face.

"What was the dream bout." She asks, while raising a eyebrow.

"Well, let's see if I can remember...." I stall, building up anticipation.

"Well we were in a kitchen.... one that looked a lot like this one. And you were in those exact boxers and socks, looking fine as fuck." I say while biting my bottom lip.

Beyoncé glances down at her boxers while then looking back up at my face, a smile forming on her lips.

"What else happened in this dream of yours." Beyoncé asks me.

I unwrap my arms from around her stomach, while putting on my thinking face.

"Hmmmm....well you picked me up and set me on the counter." I tell her with a smirk forming on my lips.

Beyoncé then easily picks me up, putting me up on the counter, while pressing her face close to mines.

"And then, I kissed you. Like this." I say as I aggressively begin kissing her.

Beyoncé's hands then begins to roam up and down my back, and my hands find their way to her ass.

We continue to aggressively kissing each other til I pull away with a smile on my face.

"You better go get your Pop Tarts before they burn." I say to her.

"Oh, shit you right." Beyoncé says to me as she quickly peck my lips before she pulls away from me, going back to her Pop Tarts.

I watch Beyoncé carefully taking her Pop Tarts outta of the toaster.

"Ow, shit. That was fucking hot as fuck." Beyoncé screams out as she drops her Pop Tarts on a paper plate.

I quietly laugh at her.

A few seconds later I hop off the counter, since I gotta make breakfast.

"Bey, you still gonna be hungry. You still want breakfast." I ask her.

Beyoncé turns around, facing me, chewing on her Pop Tart.

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