Day 4

70 4 2

Ok, so there's the movie theater. I'm gonna find you, "the gentleman."

I just realized that you didn't write down what movie you were seeing... or what time... This complicates things. Oh, is that you...? Hang on, I think I see you. 

Oh My God! I can't believe I was so irresponsible-

I'm so sorry. I can't believe some stranger stole you; This "Player" Is lucky I don't call the police. He was walking towrads me and tripped, and you fell out of his hands. 

I'm  so mad! 

Although, I DID like it when Mister Cheese laughed at him. "Look at this dweeb, gentleman!" Is what he said. 

Wow- I feel like I'm in High school again. 

Anyway, Mister Cheese stole all of my knifes, so I need to go convince him to give them back without dying.


I WILL USE ANY AND ALL IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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