Chapter 3

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Evelyn's POV:

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Evelyn's POV:

Working at a bar to save money and pay for an apartment is nice, but finding the time to truly explore and get to know the area has been a challenge. So here I am on a Wednesday evening, walking into a small café that I had passed several times on my way to college and work.

A bell over my head chimes as I pass through the door, signalling that I have entered. I glance around the café for open tables and choose the one towards the back that is closest to the window. As I take a seat at the table, I take out my laptop to continue the research project that Miss O'conner had assigned me the day before.

She had given us the assignment of researching dishes that we are familiar with and seeing how other chefs and restaurants prepare them using their own personal knowledge. Additionally, we are expected to explain why we believe those specific adjustments have been made to the recipes throughout the preparation and making of the dish.

Miss O'conner's teaching style appears to be rather content heavy so far, but glancing over the notes I've taken from it, I admire the effort she's put in to ensuring that we understand and have the knowledge we require in succeeding in the course.

I'm lost in my own thoughts when I'm stopped by a voice that sounds somewhat familiar "Hi, are you ready to order?" I divert my gaze away from my computer, focusing on the owner of the voice. We instantly recognise each other, and she greets me with a wide grin. "Hiya, Evelyn!" I chuckle at her bubbly personality. "Hey, Mia. Could I please have a black coffee?" She nods as she scribbles on the small notepad in her hand."Of course! I will be back with it in a few minutes."

Mia returns about 3 minutes later with my black coffee and lays it in front of me, saying, "Here you are, one black coffee." "Thank you, Mia," I say with a soft smile. "That's no problem," she says as she settles into the seat in front of me.

"So, since I don't really know anyone in the class and you seem like a cool person, I was wondering if we could maybe hang out with each other someday to get to know each other better?" she asks nervously. "Of course, it's fine if you don't want to!" she quickly adds. "It's just a thought I've had-" I interrupt her rambling and grab her hands, attempting to reassure her that she has nothing to be worried about.

"That would be great, Mia. Maybe we could see if Skye would also want to join us? You two could come to mine." She gives me one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen. "I'd like that, Evelyn. Thank you."

I get the impression that Mia doesn't have many friends, but I'd be happy to be one of them; she's just too sweet. This, my friends, is how I know Mia is someone I want to keep as a friend. I watch as she scribbles on her notepad once more before passing it to me and standing up.

"My break is over, but here's my phone number; call or text me whenever you want." "I'll see you later, Eve!" I take the piece of paper and place it in my bag. "Sure, I'll see you in class." "Goodbye, Mia." I stay at the café for about twenty minutes longer before finishing my assignment and heading home.

As soon as I walk through the door to my apartment, I smell food, which makes my mouth water and my feet instinctively move towards the source. Isla is currently dancing behind the stove with her AirPods in, using the spatula in her hand as a microphone. I can tell she's making an omelette based on the smell.

I quickly take out my phone and record this wonderful moment so that I can torment her about it later. She jumps when she hears my laughter, then turns around and accusingly points the spatula at me "You saw and heard nothing." I raise my hands in mock surrender  "Well, I definitely won't remember hearing or seeing anything" I lick my lips and gaze at the omelette longingly "...if you make me one of those bad boys." She groans before laughing and murmuring "I should've known."

She plated her first omelette and offered it to me, causing me to smile and give her a quick side hug. She gathers the ingredients together and prepares the second mixture in a bowl.

"You know, since you're taking the catering course, you really should be the one doing this," My mouth drops open slightly as I place my hand over my heart, "but you're my inspiration." As I step back and chuckle, she scoffs and tries to swat me with the mixing spoon she's holding. "Inspiration, my ass."

"So, I've been meaning to ask you, but I've been a little busy. How did the first few days of college go? How did you behave? Have you made any new friends?" She pauses before quickly adding "Ooo, did you see anyone good looking?"

"It was actually pretty good, I met two girls who I feel I could end up being quite close to, but I'm not sure because some girls tend to show their true colors when they become more comfortable around you," I say, answering her rapid fire questions. "Uhm, the teacher is actually quite sweet, and the work isn't all that bad. Thankfully, I didn't do anything that would get me into trouble. And no one in the class has really caught my attention." Apart from the goddess who teaches it, that is. She's a one-of-a-kind individual.

"Aw, that's good I'm glad you're settling in alright, Sis. Hopefully you can create a close friendship with the two girls but only time will tell." As she plates the second omelette and joins me, I nod in agreement. "By the way, Dan obviously understands that you're in college right now and that it's your top priority, but he was wondering if you could work a Saturday night shift next week at the bar?"

I pause for a moment to consider what I'm doing. "I don't have anything on," I say, "so tell him that should be fine. It would be nice to help out for the night as I miss working with everyone." She smiles at my comment, "We should probably also phone mum and dad to just let them know that we're still alive and how college is going for you so far."I nod in agreement before we both dig into our omelettes.

A//N lowkey loving this so far.

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