
853 41 43

4/18/22 update !!

i disliked some of the dialogue choices in this chapter, and while I work on the most recent update to upload here's a slightly edited version of fifteen <33


Kim Sunoo was avoiding him.

For the past week, Sunghoon had been preoccupied with the workload that came with his classes and exams, as well as the hours he spent trying to make up for lost time with his friends on a daily basis. In that one busy week, some things slipped his mind- one of them being the absence of Sunoo in his daily life.

He hadn't noticed it at all, but as the days passed, Sunoo was nowhere to be seen(near him, at least). As for the younger's presence in the house, he left early and came back late. His parents wouldn't notice that he wasn't around because they weren't either, and he always came back before they arrived.

At first, it was very small things. Whenever he greeted Sunoo at school, the boy would meekly nod his head to acknowledge him and then scurry out of sight. But slowly, it became more like a specified distancing between him and the latter.

In the occasion that he was a vivid presence or in a chat-able distance from Sunghoon, Sunoo's group of friends would always somehow be blocking his way. He had this secure bubble of people that protected him, but from what?

Now, after analyzing the whole week's worth of interactions, Sunghoon was quite sure he had messed something up between them. If something was wrong on Sunoo's side, he knew that the boy would talk to him about it. Sunoo was a very assertive person, and always made it clear when he wasn't okay with something or wanted to solve a problem. Conflicts that would last months of miscommunication were resolved within hours with Sunoo.

But that obviously wasn't the case here.

In the years that spanned their friendship, not once had Sunoo and Sunghoon been upset at each other for even a day at max. There was never that feeling of awkwardness or misplacement between the pair and the words they uttered. They always talked the planting seeds of what could become conflict out before they could grow, even if Sunghoon had more trouble in the talking part of things.

Knowing this, Sunghoon couldn't help but feel frustrated at himself. He couldn't figure out what he had done that made Sunoo standoffish when near him, and he hated it so much. He was always doing something wrong, heck, he didn't know why Sunoo hadn't ditched him earlier.

It just felt horrible inside. His chest ached with each day that came without getting to share any small precious moment with Sunoo. No giggles, none of his bright smiles, not even one conversation that didn't feel unnatural. There was this looming hollowness that clang to Sunghoon whenever he caught a glimpse of Sunoo but knew he couldn't go up to the boy. His insides were empty and his heart felt like crumpled paper.

Sunghoon felt a knock on the back of his head, jumping at the startling action. He turned around to face Jaehyun.

Oh right. He was still at school- what time was it?

As if reading his mind, Jaehyun tapped his watch. "The last dismissal bell for afterschool activities rang a few minutes ago, why are you still at your locker? Don't you have a bus?"

The ravenhead's eyes widened in realization as he facepalmed. "Fuck, that's right- god, I need to get it together."

"That's fine," Jaehyun dismissed his self-criticism, shutting Sunghoon's locker. "Our bus stations are close anyways, so just walk with me. You could tell me what's on your mind if you want to."

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