Chapter 2

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When Alice and Edward arrived home, they noticed that Sonali and Jasper were gone. Alice pouted as she had hoped to apologise. Rosalie then waltzed into the room sipping a smoothie. The two vampires watched in shock before inquiring if the blonde was okay, Rosalie laughed at them "Sonali's spell allows us to eat however we never really feel hungry nor empty, so we don't need to rely on food."

The two nodded as it dawned on them that they had not thanked the woman for her spell "Where are they? I want to apologise to Sonali and thank her for the spell". Rosalie swallowed her drink and shrugged. Emmett however knew the answer and spoke "Esme took them to see their new house." Alice froze she had not seen that, nor had she expected it, "New house?"

Edward heard Esme's thoughts as she drew closer and turned to the door the woman walked in with a bright smile and a basket filled with fruits. "Alice, Edward how was school" Her bright smile seemed to light up the house and both could not help to return it. "It was great Mum" Alice answered before glancing behind the family matriarch "Sonali and Jasper are getting settled in their new home" was all Esme said before gliding into the kitchen. Alice pouted a bit before leaving to hunt.

Rosalie now stopped singing songs in her head and gazed at Edward "I know she wants to apologise but let her give them time Sonali is still a bit annoyed" The mind reader nodded and quickly left to find his mate.

Deeper into the forest a house sat in the middle of the 150 acres of property that Sonali now owned. She liked the Cullens, but she wanted her own space so before the coven had moved to the house she had bought the rest of the land behind their property. Esme being the understanding woman she was helped build and design the house to the immortal woman's every desire.

Jasper watched as his mate moved around the kitchen with a bright smile as she made the food that she wanted and loved. Her outfit was replaced with a simple cotton brown and red saree. Then Sonali froze and turned to him her eyes glowing as she turned off the stove "He's here" Jasper nodded and watched as she slipped on her shoes before he gently picked her up and ran back to the Cullen house.

The rest of the coven had already gathered outside having heard a vampire rushing in their direction. Jasper and Sonali walked over to Carlisle and waited it was not long before he appeared. He was tall and a bit tanned which surprised Alice, his eyes were a golden hue that could pass for brown since he was not in direct sunlight. With dirty blonde hair and a chiselled jawline, he was one of them, yet he looked as if Sonali had already placed a spell on him.

"Once he entered the barrier the spell took effect". Sonali declared before walking over to the vampire who seemed to be observing himself in awe. "Your name?" her voice soft but enough to bring him out of his awe-filled daze. "I am called Asher." The immortal raised an eyebrow upon hearing the faint accent. He wouldn't be able to hide it but that was not a problem many would assume he studied abroad "Russian when were you turned". The man tensed "July of 1918." Sonali stopped and gazed at the man "What was your birth name, not the one you now use".

He glanced at her and then to Carlisle who also seemed to be interested "Nikolai Romanov" Sonali gazed at him with understanding "You erased yourself from history, the eldest son of Tsar Nichola II I did wonder what happened to you after all Anastasia and Alexi kept asking of you"

The man watched her warily before recognition dawned "Your Majesty" as he moved to kneel, she stopped him "The only thing your mother asked of me was the save her children as I could not find you, I tried my best to preserve the life of the other two, they are well and thriving".

Carlisle watched the man in fascination but soon looked over at Sonali who smiled "It seems the Romanov magic did not allow you to fully turn ¾ cold one and a quarter dragon-kin" The man nodded as she walked around him before smiling "Welcome to the family".

Jasper hands Nikolai his schedule as the others all seem to celebrate his arrival "Alice had a vision so we prepared for you. Nikolai Hale the brother of myself and Rosalie" Jasper gestured to the blonde who was making her way into the garage. "You arrived late because you had a course to finish back in Russia. Unlike the rest of us, you have a photography class which is adjacent to music so Edward and you will walk to class together after lunch".

Nikolai nods and looks over the binder that Sonali handed to him. Inside it was filled with beautiful photos of Russia, London and Bulgaria. "This is my portfolio, right?". Sonali nodded and then passed him a wallet "Your files were already made and sent in this is your credit card, ID and Driver's license don't lose it".

Nikolai nodded and placed it in his bag before looking at Esme who seemed to be beckoning him inside. "Thank you, Lady Sonali" The immortal just gave a small nod before walking into Jasper's arms. The two then left eager to return to their home neither cared much for the other aspects of welcoming a new coven mate when they already met him. Sonali however seemed to be thinking of something and as they arrived back at their home, she voiced her thoughts.

"The guest room will soon have to be renamed; he will be spending a lot of time here". Jasper gave her an inquisitive look and Sonali just smiled "Alice being a seer would make him uncomfortable and her tendencies are habits that will take at least a century or three to change now that she knows about them".

Jasper sighed and nodded in agreement before making his way to the guest room and quickly preparing it. Sonali finished making their dinner and started getting the table ready when she heard a soft knock on the door. As expected, it was Nikolai "I'm sorry to intrude but may I stay with you and Jasper".

Sonali nodded and let him in "Come help me set the table and then explain what happened" The hybrid nodded and placed his suitcase near the door before moving towards the kitchen. "She insisted on dressing me and told me that my clothing was not appropriate then she mentioned I would meet my mate tomorrow>" Sonali handed the man the plates before gesturing for him to continue.

"I would be grateful for all that but then she went on about what I should do and how I should dress, and her mate just gave me an apologetic look and dragged her away. In addition, she tried to hug me I did not feel comfortable".

Jasper who had heard the entire rant walked out and picked up the suitcase before speaking "Alice is a social person and is sometimes a bit much it takes a while to get used to her behaviours" Sonali glanced at her mate before shaking her head "I told you that someone should have talked to her about that in the past when she first joined your coven".

Nikolai glanced at Sonali after hearing the distinction in her tone. "You speak as if you are not a member of the coven?" Sonali then gestured to her necklace "I am a member of the Volturi to be precise I am its founder; I am a member of the Cullen coven by marriage alone. If Jasper desired to return to his coven back in Texas where his venom siblings are then I would happily leave to join them"

Jasper placed a soft kiss on her head before turning to Nikolai "My venom brother and sister are nomads at the moment our coven decided to spread out to find homes where we would be most comfortable the Whitlock coven also contains my venom children but four live in Asia and the other three in Russia".

Nikolai nodded before continuing to set the table "Then would it be possible for me to join the Whitlock Coven and be like Lady Sonali a member by association" Sonali gazed at Nikolai and nodded "I am your named godmother so yes; we can do that as well".

Jasper looked on at the hybrid as he relaxed upon hearing that statement he would need to talk to Edward and Carlisle about Alice soon.

Author's Note

Sonali is not a vampire so she has never had problems setting herself up in courts and making it look as if she is ageing. So many vampires who were members of royal courts or wars would have met her at some point outside her position as the Mother of the Volturi. She has been alive for such a long time that she knows of all the supernatural beings that exist and has often befriended different races. As for her culture, Sonali stayed in Asia for a long time so she prefers a mixture of those cultures as they are a comfort to her. She does not hate Western clothing as Alice likes to believe. In addition, I am touching on some of Alice's bad habits as they never get addressed in twilight she makes Bella her pet project and ignores Bella's wants and desires in this story I'm highlighting how that may affect others.

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