Chapter 7

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The air in Stockholm was crisp and invigorating as Sonali and Jasper strolled through the cobblestone streets of Gamla Stan, the city's historic old town. The sun had set, casting a twilight glow over the picturesque buildings and narrow alleys. Jasper glanced at Sonali, his eyes reflecting the twinkling streetlights.

"It's quite a change from our usual haunts, isn't it?" Jasper remarked with a smile.

Sonali nodded, her eyes taking in the beauty of the surrounding city. "Yes, it's lovely. There's a charm to these old streets that speaks to the soul."

They continued walking, their steps leisurely as they soaked in the atmosphere. The evening was perfect for their first official date, a chance to explore not just the city but also the depths of each other's pasts. Jasper had always been curious about Sonali's life before she had found him, and tonight seemed like the perfect opportunity to delve into her history.

They arrived at a quaint, intimate restaurant nestled between two colourful buildings. The warm light spilling from the windows invited them in. Jasper held the door open for Sonali, and she entered with a grateful smile. Inside, the restaurant was cosy, with wooden beams overhead and soft music playing in the background. They were led to a corner table with a view of the bustling street outside.

After ordering their meals, Jasper leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Sonali. "I've been wanting to ask you about your life before all of this. You were a princess in ancient India, for a time right?"

Sonali's eyes shimmered with a mix of nostalgia and melancholy. She took a deep breath before beginning her tale. "Yes, I was a princess in the Gupta Empire. It was a time of great prosperity and cultural flourishing. But my life was not without its challenges."

Jasper listened intently as Sonali's story unfolded, each word painting a vivid picture of her past.

The Gupta Empire, Sonali explained, was a golden era of ancient India, marked by advancements in art, literature, and science. As the "daughter" of a powerful king, her so-called early years which were really a powerful glamour were spent in the opulent confines of the royal palace. The palace was a marvel of architecture, with towering pillars, intricate carvings, and lush gardens filled with exotic flowers.

"My chosen father, King Chandragupta, was a wise and benevolent ruler," Sonali recounted. "He believed in education and the arts, and our court was frequented by scholars, poets, and artists from all over the world."

Growing up in such an environment, Sonali was afforded every luxury and opportunity. She was tutored by the finest minds of the time, learning everything from literature and philosophy to astronomy and mathematics. But despite the privileges of her position, she felt a deep sense of duty to her people.

"I often accompanied him on his tours of the kingdom," Sonali said. "He believed it was important for me to understand the lives of our subjects and to see firsthand the challenges they faced. Not as a princess but as a goddess he cared not that I was not his daughter, or that I was a roaming goddess. He treated me as his own."

As she grew older, Sonali's responsibilities increased. She became more involved in the administration of the kingdom, attending court sessions and advising her father on matters of state. Her intelligence and insight earned her the respect of the court, but it also brought its own set of pressures.

"Being a princess was not just about wearing beautiful clothes and attending grand feasts," Sonali explained. "It was about making difficult decisions, sometimes sacrificing personal desires for the greater good of the kingdom."

One of the most challenging aspects of her role was navigating the intricate web of palace politics. The court was filled with rival factions, each vying for power and influence. Sonali had to learn to manoeuvre through these treacherous waters, often relying on her wits and diplomacy to maintain harmony.

Despite the weight of her responsibilities, Sonali found moments of joy and love. She spoke fondly of her younger brother, Arjun, with whom she shared a close bond. They would often steal away from their duties to explore the palace gardens or practice archery in the secluded courtyards.

"Arjun was my confidant, my closest friend," Sonali said, her voice tinged with sadness. "We shared our dreams and fears, and he always had a way of making me laugh, even in the darkest of times."

But it was not just familial love that Sonali experienced. She also spoke of a young scholar named Ashwin, who captured her heart with his gentle demeanour and keen intellect. Their love blossomed in secret, away from the prying eyes of the court.

"Ashwin was different from anyone I had ever met," Sonali said, her eyes distant as she recalled their time together. "He saw me not just as a princess, but as a person with dreams and desires. He loved me for who I was, not for my title."

However, their love was not meant to last. The political machinations of the court, combined with the rigid social structures of the time, made it impossible for them to be together. Ashwin was sent away, and Sonali was left heartbroken.

"It was one of the hardest moments of my life," she confessed. "But I knew I had to be strong for my people and my family."

As Sonali continued her story, Jasper found himself captivated by the depth of her experiences and the strength of her character. But he sensed there was more to her tale, a pivotal moment that had changed the course of her life forever.

"Everything changed the night my father was betrayed," Sonali said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "There was an assassination attempt, orchestrated by a rival faction within the court. My father was gravely injured, and our kingdom was thrown into chaos."

Amidst the turmoil, Sonali was forced to flee the palace with the help of loyal guards and advisors. They sought refuge in a remote monastery, where they hoped to regroup and plan their next move.

"I could no longer pretend to be the blood daughter of a king and when I showed my true self the guards and advisors fell to their knees shocked I remember it clearly" Laughed Sonali but her eyes showed that she was reminiscing "Their king had housed a goddess"

No longer hiding powers, Sonali returned to her kingdom in secret, working from the shadows to protect her people and thwart the plans of those who sought to destroy her family. She became a guardian, a silent protector whose actions were felt but never seen.

Over the centuries, Sonali travelled the world, adapting to the changing times and honing her abilities. She encountered other vampires and supernatural beings, forming alliances and gaining knowledge that would serve her well in her eternal quest for justice.

As Sonali concluded her story, Jasper reached across the table and took her hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Sonali. You've been through so much, and yet you remain strong and compassionate."

Sonali smiled, grateful for his understanding and support. "We all have our burdens to bear, Jasper. But it's the connections we make along the way that give us the strength to carry on."

Their conversation shifted to lighter topics as they enjoyed the rest of their meal, savouring the delicious food and the warmth of each other's company. They spoke of their travels, their favourite books and music, and their hopes for the future.

After dinner, they decided to explore more of Stockholm, wandering through the charming streets and taking in the sights. They visited the Royal Palace, its grand architecture a reminder of Sonali's royal past, and strolled along the waterfront, the reflection of the city lights dancing on the water's surface.

As they walked, Jasper turned to Sonali with a thoughtful expression. "Do you ever miss it? Your old life, I mean."

Sonali paused, considering his question. "There are moments when I miss the simplicity of my many lives, the warmth of my family, and the love I once knew. But I've also come to appreciate the beauty of my existence now, the opportunities to make a difference in ways I never could before."

Jasper nodded, understanding the duality of her emotions. "It's not easy, balancing the past and the present. But I think you've done an incredible job, Sonali."

She smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude for his kindness. "Thank you, Jasper. And thank you for tonight. It's been wonderful getting to share this with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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