In this story, Izuku has a twin younger, Izumi Midoriya. Most of this is gonna be like the anime except in this story instead of getting One for All from his fav superhero/father who neglected him for years he got the power of the Hamato Ninpō and...
Ever since their night of 'making out' Izuku trained Uraraka to the extreme for the festival. He helps her train to use her quirk to make herself more agile and flexible so she can move faster and jump higher. They would even perform meditations in the Izuku's lair for peace and quiet so that Uraraka can practice her breathing for when she used her quirk. After days of training, it was now the day of the Sports Festival. Izuku was currently doing his daily shifts sharing out pizza to tables. He looked at the clock and noticed that the festival was going to start soon. He quickly gave out the last pizza and went to Max in his office. Once he opened the door, he was surprised to see Max on the channel of the Sports Festival.
"Max, I finished my shift and I promised my girlfriend, I'd be there at the stadium to support her," Izuku said holding his cap, hoping Max would let him go.
"Then why are you still here? Get going already" Max said with a smile.
Izuku smiled and wasted no time running out of the office. He went to where the employees lockers were, opened his, and changed his clothes. He kept on his signature red shoes and pants but changes into a black shirt and green hoodie jacket along with a black cap and mask so he can hide his hair and face. He even placed on some gloves to hide his ring and to complete his look.
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He grabbed his skateboard, used the back door of the shop, and rode his board all the way to the stadium. Once he reached, he showed them his ticket and went inside and went to take his seat. Lucky for him, when he bought his ticket, he was assigned to a seat in the front so that Uraraka could find him.
In the locker room, while 1A was preparing themselves, Izumi was in the corner filling everything to Bakugo.
"So you're saying that Izuku might be somewhere in the crowd?" Bakugo quietly asked
"Yh and since Uraraka's his girlfriend, she just might lead us to him" Izumi whispered
"And if she doesn't?" Bakugo asked
"Then if we're ever put up against her, we try to force her to tell us," Izumi said
"Sounds like a plan although Izuku might hate us more if we badly hurt her," said Bakugo
"We may not have a choice," she said before hearing the announcement telling everyone they had to head for the stadium. They then began to walk out of the tunnel full of determination to win. Uraraka searched the audience hoping to find the one who promised her that he'll be there. After a quick search, she noticed a boy wearing a black mask in a green hoodie waving at her. The boy took off his right glove and held it in the air revealing his turtle ring. Uraraka smiled with excitement because she knows who has a ring like that.
"I knew you'd keep your promise Izu" Uraraka mentally said
As everyone else came in, the pro hero Midnight called Bakugo as the class representative up to the stage to give an inspirational speech.