Skz Files: J.One

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Han Jisung

Power: Super speed

Position: Specializes in hand to hand combat, aggravation


Code name: J.One

Threat Level: 7.75/10

Lived with his Dads in a small town on the outskirts of the city. One of his Dads was a scientist, and the other was a doctor. Therefore Jisung was raised in surroundings that encouraged schoolwork and studying. Jisung's dream, however, was to become a race car driver or a motorcycle racer. He had always liked speed and the idea of the wind rushing through his hair and hitting his face as he went along. His Dads weren't exactly thrilled at the idea of their son being in danger everyday. But no matter how hard they tried to turn his attentions elsewhere, Jisung was set on the idea of being fast and tearing through streets and paths at top speed, not slowing down for anybody. This wish was fulfilled, but not in the way that he had expected. One day he woke up and he was able to run at break neck speeds and could easily run to the next city in less than a minute. Of course he was excited to tell his Dads about this, he had achieved his dream and he didn't even need a man-made machine to do it. His Dads were very happy about the fact that their son was gifted, but not in the way Jisung had expected them to be.

Before he knew it he was trapped in a room under their house, he was subject to experiments and injections that his Dads had made to test his powers and figure out how to spread the powers so that others could be gifted as well. From this he developed a fear of needles and other medical equipment. Sensing this fear, his powers grew and made him also able to heal fast, but this was counterproductive as now his Dads could do more experiments on him without having to worry about severe injuries. Because he was trapped under his house for so long he wasn't exposed to many of the things in the world. He became extremely naïve and innocent, not suspecting anybody of anything unless they were a doctor or scientist. He was also found by Chan, who was walking around and heard his thoughts calling for help from his basement. Chan broke into the house using his telekinesis and rescued Jisung leaving his Dads in shock. Chan became like another father figure to Jisung, but this time, one who wouldn't hurt him. Like Minho, he felt safe around Chan. Joined Chan at the age of 15 and a half.

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