🏳️‍🌈Pride Month Special🏳️‍🌈

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I am not trying to force any genders or sexualities on any of the members. They are obviously real life human beings and we really know next to nothing about their identities. Just to be super clear. Enjoy~

~Meanwhile somewhere in an alternate universe~

"Chan, wait up!" A flushed Felix called as he ran after his excited boyfriend.

"No, you need to hurry!" Chan grinned. "Weren't you the one who was super excited to meet other LGBTQ+ friends?"

"Well, yeah, but slow down a bit. I can't keep up."

Chan laughed, ignoring the younger boy, continuing to run ahead. A few feet later he ran into somebody.

"Oops, sorry." He murmered, looking at the muscular man in front of him. He was wearing a rainbow striped muscle tee that said, "Queerness isn't a choice", a pair of denim shorts, and Pride converse.

"That's okay." The guy grinned. "This your first Pride?"

Chan nodded. "I'm here with my boyfriend, Felix. That one there, talking to the person with blonde hair."

"Ah, yes, that would be my person. Hyunjin! Come here!" The blonde haired person looked up and waved, saying something to Felix, who grinned and said something back as they both walked over.

"Hi!" The blonde grinned. "I'm Hyunjin. I see you've met my boyfriend, Changbin." A pin that read "They/Them" was pinned to a white crop top, which was paired with a pair of loose purple overalls, and black combat boots with rainbow laces. They also had a Non-Binary flag draped around their shoulders.

"Yep, nice to meet you, Hyunjin. I'm Chan, and I'm assuming you met Felix." Chan grinned.

Felix nodded. "They complimented my outfit, and I said theirs looked cool too, so obviously we're friends now."

"Is this your first Pride too?" Changbin asked Felix, who nodded. "Do you two want to join our group? There's six of us already, but there's always room for two more."

"Um, yeah! Y'all seem super cool. Come on, Chan." So Chan and Felix followed Hyunjin and Changbin toward the crowd of people.

"Hey, there you two are!" A man with fluffy brown hair said. He was wearing a sheer black crop top with little rainbows sprinkled throughout, with a pair of jeans that had a rainbow band sticking out, and platform converse. "We wondered where you had- Felix?"

Felix gasped. "Jisung?" The two men ran at each other and laughed ecsatically as they hugged.

"Dude! Why are you here?" Felix grinned.

"Ah, you know how Korea is. All those homophobes and everything. Here is where we can all be our true selves." Jisung shrugged. "So where's the man that was causing you boy troubles. I have some words to say to him."

"I'm assuming you mean me." Chan raised his hand slightly. "But I think we're over the boy trouble. Right, Lix?"

Felix flushed. "Shut up, Jisung. Anyways, where's Minho?"

"Um, probably finding the other two." Jisung glanced around the surrounding area.

"Did they disappear again?" Changbin groaned.

"Yeah. You can't trust those two by themselves." Jisung shrugged.

"Trust which two by themselves?" A voice came from behind them.

"You and Jeongin. Obviously." Hyunjin said. Then they turned to look at the new person again. "Where did you find cake, Seungmin?"

Seungmin shrugged, putting another bite in his mouth. "It's a sixth sense." His shirt was tie dyed black, gray, white, and purple, with a pink, yellow, and blue heart in the middle, paired with a pair of black shorts and black converse. He looked Felix and Chan up and down.

"Hi, I'm Felix and this is Chan." Felix said, pointing at himself and his boyfriend in turn.

"Seungmin. My boyfriend Jeongin." Seungmin mumbled through a mouthful of cake. "You bully him, you die."

"Don't mind him." Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Are you guys having fun?" He was wearing a tank top with the Trans Pride stripes going horizantally across, a pair of cargo pants, and platform docs with pink and blue laces.

"Yeah!" Chan grinned. "This is super exciting. It's so fun to see everybody so comfortable with who they are, and able to celebrate freely."

"Almost freely." Hyunjin said, glancing over at the crowd of protesters who were holding signs that said a ton of disrespectful words on them.

"Yeah, well, not everybody is as awesome as us, and we can't expect them to be." Changbin shrugged wrapping his arm around his partner.

"Jisung! Have you seen-" A new voice called. "There you two are."

"Hi, Minho..." Seungmin grimaced, hugging his cake tightly to himself.

"Before you lecture us," Jeongin started. "We found some new friends."

Minho turned to the two Aussies. "Hi, I'm Minho."

"I'm Felix, this is Chan. And you're really hot." Felix responded.

"Thank you." Minho did indeed look very good in a black tank top, black shorts, a long rainbow overskirt, and black ankle boots with rainbow treads.

"Mine." Jisung hissed playfully.

"Chill. I've got my own." Felix grinned, gesturing to Chan who was looking around the festival with sparkling eyes.

"Uh huh. Anyways, let's get going. The floats are about to start." The group walked toward the center road to watch the floats go down the street.

They had a blast together, eating food, checking out the merch booths, and watching everybody be truly and unapologetically themselves.

A/N: Happy Pride Month! I hope you all enjoyed this little short. And I hope you all are in a situation where you can be fully yourself without any worry. I know there are plenty of people who aren't in places where they can come out and have their loved ones accept who they are, but just know there are people in the world who will accept you. Even if you haven't met them yet. Let's spread positivity to everybody, not only this month, but every month of the year. Signing out, Skz Bestie :) <3

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