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Disclaimer:The day I own TMNT is the day New York is safe once aga.... *watches new episodes* oh. :DD

The maze is bigger than I thought. There are dozens of twists and turns, and I've ran into dead ends more than once.

I decide to rest for a while to regain my energy, panting as I sit myself down and observe my surroundings.

Ivy, vines and the occasional flower snakes up the walls of the maze, but it is otherwise deserted.

I'm surprised I haven't met anything along the way yet. Surely there must be some kind of monster for me to battle? Or is the plan for me and the others to starve to death?

"Hey!" I jump up immediately, whipping out my katanas.

Instead of the gigantic, fiery eyed beast I expect to face, I see a twelve year old Mikey.

His skin and shell give out a faint red glow, his Bandana is redish-orange, and his eyes are fiery all right, but instead of bright blue, they're glowing red.

"Mikey! Why are you twelve...and red?"

"I'm anger. I mean sure, I'm Mikey, but the angry side. I have no idea where the other nitwit emotions of Mikey are, but we got separated somehow."

I just stare. I wonder what Mikey's angry side would be like... Like Raph? Or worse? I couldn't tell with Mikey anymore.

"Anyway, I couldn't exactly be bothered. I hated them anyway. I'm better off without joy and determination disturbing me all the time. Sadness is..."
He pauses.
"and wisdom is no fun at all."

Why did he skip sadness? That's not important. I remind myself. For now anyway.

I frown. "That's not right. You guys need to be together. You are somewhat what holds Mikey together. In a way."

Anger then glares at me with such ferocity I take a step back. Then the fire dies down.

"Gosh Leo, you're no fun. Just like wisdom himself. You know I still am mad at you guys. For making me like this. But for the sake of sadness, I have to control my temper. I promised him."

At the mention of sadness, Anger seems to calm down more, and when he opens his eyes a worried expression crosses his face.

"I'm seriously worried about the guy. He's so sensitive and if he's lost in the maze or bumps into that weird dark stuff..."

That catches my attention.

"You know about the dark stuff?"

"It's what separated us in the first place," Anger shrugs.

"We were just arguing. As usual. Sadness being more sad than usual and actually putting up a fight. I'd never seen him that upset before."

Anger closes his eyes as he relieves the memory. "Then the room started shaking, the dark stuff grabs sadness and the next thing I know I wake up alone and in this stinking maze."

That must have been before the darkness initially took over Mikey. Hold on...if Mikey's emotions are split up now...we need to rejoin them before saving him...great. That puts one more task on our hands. I think as I sigh.

"Alright Anger. I think this is what happened.." I then go on to tell him what happened to Mikey and what we're trying to do now.

"So what you're saying is...We need to join together in order to save Mikey and ourselves from being devoured by some dark creature?"

I nod. "That's the gist of it,"

"No. No way." He shakes his head. "I am not gonna join with Joy, determination and wisdom. No way. Sadness, yeah sure. But I'd die if im put with the rest,"

"Think of it this way, If you don't join back, all you guys will die. You, sadness..." His eyes widen. "Everyone."

He opens his mouth to reply but is cut short by his own yelp as he staggers to the ground.

I quickly help him up, and gasp when I see his left leg is fading.

"It's starting. Come on, we have to find the others, and fast." I say, picking a protesting Anger up in my arms and running off.

A/N:YAY! I finally learnt how to use italics :3 took me long enough -_- real nice Trish. Great job. (Oh look a whale) hope Ya guys enjoy! And yeah I know anger isn't Exactly angry. WE SHALL PRETEND HE'S HOLDING BACK FOR SADNESS. 👍 MOVING ON

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