Chapter 4

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"Jungkook," a faint voice called. "Jungkook. Wake up."

The boy's eyes fluttered open and he was looking up at the ceiling. But there was a certain blonde boy hovering over him.


"Ugh," the other groaned. "Damn you, Jungkook. I didn't know if you were asleep or passed out.

"Oh... I think I just fell asleep." Jungkook sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "What period is it?"

"School's over. You've been in here since lunch."


"Stop saying 'oh'!" Jimin snapped, slightly pushing Jungkook's shoulder. He crossed his arms with a pout and Jungkook sighed.

"Sorry," he said softly. There was a small silence before Jungkook heard the small clack of metal and looked up to see Jimin holding the vape in his hand.

"What's in here?"

"It doesn't matter Chim," Jungkook mumbled, getting off the floor and snatching the vape away.

"Kook, you've never done anything worse than nicotine in the last two years— not since freshman year when you—"

"I know what happened Jimin!"

Jimin took a step back and looked at the floor. "I just don't want you to get hurt again."

"I'll be fine Chimmie," Jungkook said, grabbing Jimin's arm. Jimin smiled weakly, then suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around Jungkook's waist and burying his head in his chest. "It was just one time."

"But why? What made you go back to it?"

"Will people stop asking that? It's nothing," Jungkook responded, a little too quickly for Jimin to believe. "I promise." Jimin let out a weak okay, and pulled away from the hug. He wiped his eyes from the little tears that fell down when he thought of the events from a few years ago.

Nothing hurt Jungkook more than lying to Jimin. Jimin had been his best friend since middle school and was there for him through all of the tough times— including Jungkook's infamous break down freshman year.

The two boys grabbed their stuff and walked to Jungkook's house where Jimin babied the other, who didn't feel good. "I wonder why," Jimin mumbled, rolling his eyes. Of course, Jungkook whined and slapped him. Jimin just ignored it and tucked the younger one in bed as if he were a child. Then, being the amazing friend he is, he climbed in the bed, beside Jungkook and put on the boy's favorite movie. Jungkook fell asleep almost instantly, Jimin admiring his perfect features and cuteness. "What is going on with you?" Jimin whispered to no one specifically as he brushed his fingers through Jungkook's hair.

It was Thursday night and Jungkook stayed late after practice to work on his hitting. He didn't know how long it had been since practice ended, but judging on the fact that it had been dark for a while, he guessed it had been about three hours.

He had the ball pitching machine at the pitcher's plate, and the remote in his pocket. The machine ran out of balls and he went around the field to collect them and put them back in the machine. After that, he went back to hitting until all the balls were gone, and the cycle continued.

But he couldn't hit.

Hell, he could barely think. A certain someone was taking over his thoughts, swarming them like a virus. Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about when Taehyung had him pinned up against that bay window, or a few days ago when Taehyung kissed him in the locker room. It was all so addicting.

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