Chapter 4

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12:00 am
Silence echoed in the bedroom. Misa could be seen laying in the king sized bed, sleeping soundly. Suddenly a loud bang echoed throughout the cabin, Misa jolted up awaking from her slumber.
"Ugh my head" Misa pulled her hair back which covered her face.
The room was silent, too silent to handle.
"Ok just like May said, take deep breath's." Misa took a moment to breath before she stumbled out of bed. She looked around the room, everything still looked the same before Dj left to investigate the broken dock outside where Misa had fell in. Misa looked over at the clock that was hanging on the wall. It was 12:00 am.
"Dj is still not back, huh"
Misa swung her head around towards the door that lead out to the living room. Once Misa walked into the living room she yelled out "Dj!"
Silence only replied. She called out once more, "Dj are you back yet?" No one replied. Misa quickly grabbed her shirt, pulling it hard to try to calm herself down. She hated being alone. "It's ok.. it's ok Misa let's just look around till Dj gets back." Misa said to herself. She turned her head and started to walk towards the kitchen. The kitchen was small but clean, some of the cooking ware seem to be outdated like maybe around 6 to 7 years ago. "Interesting" Misa said as she walked over to investigate to cabinets. She started to look into each cabinet looking around too see if there was anything in them. Until a piece of paper fell from the cabinet she opened. Misa grabbed the paper to investigate it, there was writing on the paper, it said...
" $2,000 loan from bank *** pay back by date *****" "A loan from the bank, how come?" Misa questioned. She tucked the paper into her pocket and walked out of the kitchen to investigate outside where Dj was last seen. As she made her way outside she felt it again.. the eyes
someone was watching her
Every move, every step!
Misa stumbled forward catching herself against the wall that lead outside. Misas breathing became heavy, she felt light headed. "It's just me, there's nothing here, it's just me." She repeated. Misa took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down. Being away from Dj and being alone in the cabin started to catch onto her like pins and needles. She shook her head and continued to make her way outside.
It was pitch dark out only the lights of the cabin appeared.
As she continued to walk she noticed blood on the ground.
"Interesting" Misa spoke. She followed the trail of blood till it lead to a pile of nails. "This blood trail wasn't here before." Misa explained. She picked up one of the nails to examine it. She suddenly froze dropping the nail in the process.
"Gasp!" Misas stained blood hands where shaking. She quickly got up swinging her head around. "Dj!" She realized who's blood it was. "Dj where are you, please come back! I don't want to be alone." She slumped over, tears falling from her eyes like a rainy day. "No I can't, not again." She winced but shook it off immediately. Suddenly her ice blue eyes turned into blue flames. Making her hand it a fist and looking over at the blood trail. "I'm going to get this son of a bitch." She rasped. She quickly ran inside and slammed the back door behind her. The door slamming shook the room. She quickly made her way into the bedroom and reached for her suitcase. "I know Dj said I wouldn't need it." Misa pulled her closed staff. "But I'm glad I still brought it." She opened her trusty staff and made her way into the living room.
It was quiet
To quiet
She looked around the room. Someone one was there with her, she could feel the eyes of the creature staring. "Where are you? Show yourself!" She snapped.
Suddenly a swing of a knife came dashing at her head. She quickly jumped out of the way leaving a small scratch from the knife in the process. Misa took her finger and wiped the small drops of blood that came from her scratch. "There you are." She smirked. The creature said nothing. "You don't look like a monster do you." Misa questioned. The creature was no creature but a person, they were long black pants and a black hoodie that covered there face. They also had a black gloves on, only there brown eyes could be seen. Misa shook her head and spoke, "what have you done with Dj? I know you have him." The stranger did not answer. "That was his blood on the ground!" Misa snapped. But once again the stranger did not say anything. "Ugh your starting to really piss me off." She thought about throwing a nice fire ball at them but she realized that she risked catching the cabin on fire. She quickly focused on the stranger and sprang at them with her staff. The stranger quickly dodged the attack. The stranger stumbled back but got themself against the wall. Misa sprang towards them once more but suddenly the stranger swung their knife towards her. Misa quickly got out of the way but in the process of her shoulder getting slashed by the blade. Blood stained the floor.
"Huff, huff, is that all you got?!" Misa snapped. Misa looked over at her shoulder, her shoulder was stained with so much blood, drips of blood slide down her arm. She winced at the sight of the blood. She quickly shook her emotions away and went it for another attack. She swung her staff at the stranger, they quickly got out of the way.
(How did they do that, they are incredibly fast!) Misa thought. Misa turned and realized that the stranger was behind her. She quickly tried to turn and doge there attack but she wasn't fast enough. The stranger swung his blade and sliced Misas hip. Misa stumbled onto the floor.
"AGH" Misa winced in pain. Blood fell onto the wooden floor, stain it. "AGH you ass hole." Misa winced. She looked down at her wound, the blood continued to spill onto the floor. "You know it's not nice to take away my date somewhere else and then beat me up." Misa spoke. The stranger spoke nothing. "I guess you don't like to have nice conversations with a beaten up person." Misa chuckled. Misas eyes started to become heavy, she was loosing so much blood. She stumbled onto the floor, her head laying on the blood stained floor. "Your no fun." Misa spoke weakly. "I just wanted to spend sometime with Dj." Her eyes grew more heavy till she closed them. The stranger spoke. "You will be fine I went easy on you. Plus I can't have the Merchandise ruined." The stranger chuckled.
Then everything fell silent.

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