Chapter 2: A sort of Interrogation

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      Regaining his senses, was a lot harder to do than what most people would think, especially after passing out. Dream could feel his heartbeat fasten as he realized two things, the first being that he was restrained. He was sat straight up, legs and chest tied onto the chair; he could feel the cuffs around his wrist preventing him from using his quirk. The second thing, the one that surprisingly irked him more was that he could no longer feel the porcelain armor that covered his face.

      How did I even get here?. His memory was hazy at best, one moment he was running across rooftops, the next he heard a gunshot and was tied up. What was I even doing? He vaguely remembers blearing sirens and -oh the Pro-heroes. He was caught, again. He started to thrash as his head pounded, old memories of labs and facilities resurfacing, he opened his watery eyes with a startled gasp only to shut them again, the bright light hurting his eyes.

      Calming his breathing, his emerald eyes slowly fluttered open, readjusting to the vivid lights. Blinking out the blurriness and letting them focus, he observes the area he is in. He sees an empty table and chair sat neatly on front of him, further back seems to be one way glass. Seeing as no one had entered the room when he was stuck in his own mind, it's safe to assume that he wasn't being monitored at the moment. To his side, he can see his beloved tied up, Techno's long rosy pink hair beautifully framing is sculpted face. The blond somewhat relaxes in his lovers presence, good to know he can still be a simp considering the situation.

     The ticking of the clock signifies the minutes passed. He can see the pinkette slowly start to stir, groaning when light hits his eyes. He stilled for a moment before his eyes shot open once again, his ruby eyes scanning the room before finally landing on Dream. His tense posture eases slightly at the sight of his mate.

      "Hey," he murmured groggily, " you good?" he asks, concern lacing his baritone voice.

     "Yeah." the blond responds easily, "I'm fin-"
The door opens, successfully cutting the conversation short. A tall man with short black hair enters, he was dressed in a tan overcoat and a matching hat, underneath which he wore a black suit, a green tie at his neck with matching slacks, and dress shoes; he was carrying several different papers, files and reports, his rectangular black eyes zeroing in on the two caught vigilantes.

     He made is way towards the table and placed the stack of files onto the table. " Trespassing on private property," he says confidently picking up a file, " threat of violence," he collects another file, his tone unwavering, " criminal assault" he starts to walk around the room with a different file in hand, " attacking a federal agent," he replaces the one in hand as he continues to pace around them, " unauthorized possession of firearms and other explosives" he picks up a different file, "vigilantism." and slams the file onto the desk, "and there's more." he sighs, exasperated.

     " Typically, people with these amount of crimes would go to jail," he says slowly, " that was supposed to be the case with you two, until..." his dark eyes starting at the pair, " more information was found about you two, more specifically your age." He starts pacing around the room once again, a trick used subconsciously unnerve the pair of ex-vigilantes.

     " Now, you would normally be sent to the juvenile detention center due to your age but..." he pauses, letting the tension build, " luckily for you two, the principal of U.A had vouched for you two."

     " That's right!" the door bursts open once again, all eyes snap to the sound. " Am I a mouse? a dog? a bear? I am the principal of U.A and I am here to make you two an offer both of you can not refuse (literally)." The principal makes his way to wards the desk located in the center of the room. He climbs up the desk and stands proudly as begins to speak, " I am planning on implementing a new rehabilitation system in U.A, and who else more perfect to be the first than the most two newly caught vigilantes." silence stretches across the room when the chimera? finished.

     "Okay so, what's the catch?" the pinkette breaking the silence first, " I mean this all seems too good to be true."

     "Yeah, we've broken a lot of laws like mister detective said over there," the blonde  follows up easily, " there has to be some sort of catch, there's always a price, nothing comes free". he finishes warily.

     " Ahh~ yes, that is typically true but in this case, something to good to be true is true!" the principal exclaims happily, " There will be some safety precautions in place to ensure that both of you don't try to escape but aside from that, everything's is as it seems.".

     The two lovers turn their heads to one another, ruby red meeting emerald green, they both nod at each other after what seemed to be a silent conversation. " We'll follow this thing, but it won't mean that we trust you," the blonde says with a supposed glare.

     " Try anythin' and you'll know why I'm called The Blood God." the pinkette growls out, his glare much more menacing compared to his blond haired companion, his ruby eyes glinting a dark garnet; causing the detective to step back slightly, the principal just shoots a manic grins in retaliation.

     " Perfect!" The unidentified animal exclaimed, " I'll see to it that you will be able to adjust nicely to the school-dorm lifestyle, any requests or questions will be further discussed at the U.A building itself."  the principal says as he starts walking towards the door, the detective following in suite. The principal smiles as the door shuts behind him, his crazed laughter could be geared throughout the halls.

      The two ex-vigilantes turn their heads to look at each other, they shared similar looks, ones that scream of what the fuck just happened.

      The sound of the door creaking so is enough to bring an abrupt end to their silent conversation. Suddenly, pink mist started to fill the room as drowsiness started to kick in, they could feel the void pulling them in. Before passing out they could see the R-rated hero looking at them with an apologetic look.

     As they were passed out, they were transferred to the actual U.A building. Thinking about it, I'm starting to see a pattern, talk about dejavu.

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