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'We fell in love in October
That's why, I love fall
Looking at the stars
Admiring from afar' — girl in red

It's been a week i haven't ran into mattheo or elphias, i've just been attending classes doing homework and sleeping

of course mattheo teaches D.A.D.A but that's the only him i see him— he doesn't even bother to glance at me

why am i bothered? i shouldn't be. I should be thankful

it was after classes and i was hanging in cerelias dorm with astoria, marco, leo, max and scorpius

"sorry gen" cerelia confessed as she finished putting her lip gloss on

"about what?" i asked her

i was sitting on the bed with astoria playing cards the boys were smoking weed in the corner of the room

"my brother" was all she said "don't be sorry it's not your fault" i replied to her "atleast you see his true self" i just mumbled a 'mhm' as there wasn't much to say

"i saw him with another girl" added scorpius— max hit him on the shoulder "we agreed not to tell her" max snapped at him

"oh cmon max" i gave him a dirty look before standing up and walking towards the boys

i sat down in there little circle "tell me everything" i snapped at all of them

"or what" max replied to me "you may be my best friend but i know how to ruin your life so please do tell me" i smiled at them


"we were walking the corridors at night and we saw him making out with astoria" he whispered into my ear

astoria was to busy doing her makeup to even notice what we were talking about

"and all you decided to keep this a secret from me" i said loud enough for all of them too hear

astoria looked at me— she knows that i know

"i'm sorry gen" she said quickly, then ran up to me trying to hug me

i brought up my hand and connected it to her face, a red hand print was shown across her cheek she gasped and tears started to roll down her cheeks

i wasn't sad— i was furious, bad bitches like me don't cry that's for sure

i looked over to marco— he didn't look mad, sad, happy he was just emotionless as usual

she hurt him so much they are so bad for each other

i looked back to astoria who was crying into cerelias arms "why did you do it?" i asked her

"because me and elphias have been waiting to get into a relationship and you were the only thing stopping it" she cried out—

cerelia let go of her and walked over by me, she looked down at crying astoria

"you told me it's because he kissed you— i was going to side with you but not anymore" she snapped at her

she got up, she looked furious "i will fucking ruin your life potter and zabini" she yelled at me and cerelia

hysteria ; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now