its okay💔

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"jungkookieee" taehyung shouted across the hall..

"what did you do with yeontan" taehyung shouted angerily..

"i didnt do anything he was the one who was biting me" jungkook relied more like shouted..

"that still doesnt make sense why you would push him in the night and now he got a cold" taehyung said arguing with him..

"he was annoying the heck out of me"jungkook replied now ignoring taehyung going to his seat...

" jungkook i swear to go-" taehyung was harshly cut off by the teacher shouting at them..

"you kids never listen i am tired of you both fighting everysecond detention after class go outside hands in the air now!!" mrs choi said.

"yes miss" taekook said smile on there faces atleast they dont have to learn the stupid formula of theroms or some shit...

when they went outside they started giggling running towards there secret hideout...

it was a treehouse the house where tae and kook had alot of memories,it was a  home they found when they were 5 and since then whenever they are stressed or have a fight with someone they go here,tbh they perfer this home more than the big big bui...

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it was a treehouse the house where tae and kook had alot of memories,it was a  home they found when they were 5 and since then whenever they are stressed or have a fight with someone they go here,tbh they perfer this home more than the big big buildings they live in..

they went to lay on the side it was gonna rain soon so they thought about watching a movie together..

jungkook picked the movie..

"not the clown one" taehyung graoned getting comfy in bed..

"what "it" isnt scary" jungkook said now snuggling in taehyungs chest while taehyung carresed his hair..

"but you know i hate clowns" taehyung pouted but neverthless watched it..

well he was surviving cause after every 2 sec he would scream or flinch afte that they thought of baking a cake which turned into them making a mess because jungkook wanted to try making it but neverthless they laughed there  faces still covered with flour looking at each other..

they had a fun time and lost track of time....

it was now the 3rd period and they thought of going back to school cause they needed notes and exams were getting closer..

"hey bro lets go to the basement" yugeom said to jungkook who was copying notes..

"i cant i have to finish this work" jungkook answered already jot wanting to leave with them..

"cmon bro you are no fun here then take this"jackson said giving him his  cancer stick you know the ciggarate..

"are you crazy this is practically cancer" jungkook wide his eyes..

"cmon kook you used to also smoke what now" bambam asked curiously..

"i am no one to break a promise you get that" jungkook answered still working it was true

he used to smoke without tae knowing but when tae knew and didnt talk to him for a month he left those things ofc it was hard he was getting addicted but taehyung was his main priorty..

"he is your enemy you can break his promises" bambam said dragging him outside..

"no you guys i promise-" jungkook was cut off by a small stick in his mouth he widened his eyes..

"guk-" taehyung smiled but his smile didnt last long when he saw jungkook having the same stick taehyung hated..

"taehyung its not what it looks like" jungkook said wanting to explain..

"its okay jeon i was just gonna ask you to come eat icecream with the squad but i guess you have something more important to do" taehyung said running away while giving a small smile to the group who looked at him guiltly...

"we are sorry bro we didnt kne-" jackson was gonna apoligize..

"its okay i will get going" jungkook gave a small fake smile to the boys and left...

he felt weak so weak.

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