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"uff kook i told you million type that take care look at you now"taehyung whisperscolded jungkook who was laying on bed while taehyung put wet towel on his forehead flipping it time to time.

they were in jungkooks apartment which was used as his friends hangout.

"i knowww i am sorry i thought alittle work wont cause much" jungkook whined seeing how taehyung got really worried.

ofc jungkook knows he shouldnt have done it considering the fact taehyung has always warned him to take care of himself.

but now that he didnt he is gonna get way mad.

"sleep for now we will talk when you get better" taehyung said glaring at jungkook while jungkook internally prayed for him to get well soon cause the more late jungkook would be sick the kore worried taehyung maybe.

lets all not forget that moment when taehyung started crying when jungkook got sick for a week.

that was dreadful for jungkook seeing that he was the reason taehyung cried.

"i am sorry" jungkook said after a moment looking up watching how taehyung looked in tension.

"huhh? noo wait what why are you sorry" taehyung asked eyes widening  in suprise why would he say sorry.

"i am sorry....cause i have been messing alot with my health even knowing that you will be worried but its i want appa to trust me and make him proud"

"that doesnt mean you become a workhollic you know your parents are proud of you and will love you no matter what" taehyung said frowning why would he think like that.

"yeahh i am sorry just dont get worried for me i will be fine its just a mere fever" jungkook said and instantly regretted seeing taehyung glare at him.

"how many times i will tell you to stop saying sorry and what does it mean mere fever do you know you almost fainted do you think this is a joke" taehyung rambled his eyes tearing up.

jungkook held taehyungs hand and pulled him towards himself.

now jungkook was laying down and taehyungs hand were on his chest.

jungkook kissed taehyungs hand softly which made taehyungs tear to drop and then one more after another.

he hated he was so emotional he isnt emotional about anything he rarely cries he always keeps his cover of being the sassiest boy in his school and in home.

but when it came to jungkook he wouldnt be able to hold in its like he knows jungkook would never judge him,would never laugh at him he lets himself be free to lose the mask he has been wearing infront of everyone.

there is no use of wearing that mask infront of jungkook. kook knows everything he sees those emotions others cant, he sees those lies others dont, he see those fake smile that others dont.

and no matter how much they fight taehyung is always thankful towards jungkook who accepted him for all that he was.

"cherry why are you crying ohh my god i am sorry heyy stop crying pleasee it breaks my heart" jungkook panicked now standing up taking the sniffling taehyung in his arms his lips founding place on taehyungs forehead kissing it time to time until taehyung voice started dying down.

jungkook heard little snores comming and he looked down on his chest watching how taehyung was sleeping peacefully on his chest.

jungkook smiled softly laying taehyung down and pulling his closer towards him.


cuddling him and in second the ravenette fell asleep peacefully

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