The truth

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jungkook didnt like jessie i mean he liked her as a sister or a friend but nothing more.

and gladly the feelings were mutual.

jessi and jungkook were in a relationship because jessi was getting aranged amrraige to someones she didnt knew and for that reason she asked jungkook to act like they were in a relationship.

jungkook knew it hr knew that he had to help his friend but lieing  t taehyung he never intended to do that. so here he was confessing about everything

"umm love i need to tell you something" jungkook said nervously..

"ohh yes what is it" taehyung asked.

"umm actually the thing is i lied"jungkook said waiting for taehyung to say something but it there was silence.

"well not for me but for jessi cause the thing is...." jungkook explained everything.

jungkook didnt want taehyung to leave him he couldnt live without him..

"now that we have breakup so its not something serious but i lied to you but i couldnt do anything" jungkook sobbed tears streaming down his face..

"okay okay its okay relax why are you crying its fine i didnt even thing you liked her honestly"taehyung said now wrapping his arms aroung jk now kissing his forehead who was sitting on the sofa.

"so you are not mad"


"you arent gonna leave me"






"now stop crying prom is comming you wont get a date like that" taehyung said..

"but you said i look handsome even if i cry" jungkook pouted

"yes you do you look the most adorable but you know those girls "taehyung rolled his eyes but smiled looking at jungkooks bunny smile.

"but i want you to go on a date with me"jungkook said now getting up and grabbing taehyungs waist.

taehyungs exe stopped.

"haha thats a fun joke get lost now"taehyung said running away..

jungkook smiled like a lovesick fool.

taehyung turned around and kissed his cheeck running away.

jungkook stood there for seconds,minutes,hours he didnt know he just got that feeling again the feeling of love.
yall have fun reading this lobe you lots

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