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"Have you decided on what flavour cake you wanted to get, or even the design of the cake?" Tessa asked the couple sitting before her as she flicked through her scrapbook. "I have some sample photos for you if you would like to have a look at them for some inspiration and we could also book in for a taste testing on a day that you are both available."

The young woman spoke first, her hand finding her partners. "We haven't exactly decided on what we want the cake to look like, but we would really like the cake to be red velvet."

"It's the cake we ate for dessert on our first date." Her fiancé chimed in, a bright grin plastered on his face.

Tessa had to force her gaze away from the happy couple for a moment, feeling guilty for even feeling the slightest ounce of jealousy.

She loved her job, she really did, but she couldn't help but feel a little lonely when all her relationships never worked out.

"That's wonderful!" Tessa beamed, truly happy for the couple. She pushed away that pang of sadness that she felt as she jotted down 'red velvet cake' in her little diary. "We're getting somewhere!"

"Have you thought about what dress you would like? Have any designers caught your eye?" Tessa asked as she stood up, the couple following right after her. "If you would like, we have a few dresses here that a I could show you."

The young lady sent a shy glance towards her husband. "Maybe on a day where he's not here."

"Ah," Tessa nodded, smiling. "I understand, that's not a problem at all."

Their allocated time slot with Tessa was almost over and as sad as she was to send them away for the day, Tessa was glad that her shift was over.

"So far today, we have an idea for your cake - red velvet -, I suggest a cream cheese frosting, together they are divine! But we can always book in for a taste testing when you both are ready for that. On your file, it says here that you've chosen a venue already, which is fantastic! I cant wait to continue planning your wedding, I'm so honoured that you wanted me to plan it with you!"

Tessa had been wedding planning for a few years now and to say that she was good at her job was an understatement.

She lowered the file, smiling at the couple as she opened the door for them, allowing them to exit the building. "I'll see you next month!"

Tessa's bright smile disappeared as soon as the couple had turn their backs to her. She loved her job, but she couldn't help but feel this pang of emptiness every time a soon-to-be-married couple walked out of her workplace. She ached for the feeling of holding hands with the love of her life. She longed for her partner to drape a hand casually around her waist, letting everyone in sight know that she was theirs. She just wanted to be loved the way that she loved.

"Another day being single." She whispered to herself, clicking her tongue as she pulled her phone out of her back pocket.

2 missed calls from Jimin and a text message from her dad.

Tessa dialled back her best friend, quickly collecting her things from around her office and doing some final touches, wiping down the glass surfaces and checking her emails.

"Come on!" Jimin whined through the line. "He's getting married next weekend, which means it's his last weekend ever before he becomes a husband."

"You guys seriously want to drink on a Saturday night?" She questioned her best friend, knowing as much as she wanted to go, she wasn't feel the best at the moment.

"You say that as if Saturday's weren't meant for drinking." She could almost hear Jimin's eye roll from here. "I know you want to come, Tessa. You never turn down drinks. Most of us took a day off tomorrow, so why don't you do the same?"

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