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"Those were the worst twelve hours of my life." Tessa said bitterly as she dragged her carry on behind her, walking ahead of everyone. "Although, I did sleep pretty well. But, thats not the point."

"I wonder why?" Tessa heard Taehyung mumbled under his breath as he paced after her, eyes glued to his phone, no doubt replying to his emails or texting his secret lover that everyone thought he had. Tessa ignored his comment for two reasons. The first, she didn't want to ruin her vacation arguing with an insufferable man. And two, she didn't understand what he meant.

They had taken a taxi to their resort and were now organizing their belongings for their stay. Tessa was glad she could have a room to herself, because as much as she loved her friends (minus one), she still needed her alone time and privacy.

The weather in the Maldives was hot and sunny, and sweat misted over Tessa's skin, but she didn't seem to mind, the view was worth it. Crystal blue oceans vs the blinding sun. Greenery, huts, friendly faces. These last few months had been difficult for Tessa. Okay, maybe meeting Taehyung was the only difficult thing about those months, but being here right now, Tessa felt at peace with her mind. Tessa walked across the boardwalk, admiring the view and letting her mind wander. She had a few hours to spare before she met back up with her friends. They'd agreed on taking some time to rest before meeting for dinner. 

"Stalking me, are you?"

"Why would I ever do that?"  Tessa responded to Taehyung without even looking at him. "Besides, maybe you're the one who is stalking me."

Taehyung half smiled, which surprised Tessa, but before she could even make a comment about it, it was gone.

"You're not afraid of sun burns?" He replied instead, eyes on the exposed skin of her shoulders.

Tessa ran her hands over her arms, as if to conceal them. "I put sunblock on. Not that its any of your business."

"Did you get some rest?" He then asked.

Tessa gave him a confused look, wondering why he was trying to engaged in a conversation with her rather than try to pull her hair out.

"I think I slept pretty well on the plane, which is surprising." She said as she looked out at the blue water.

"I'm not surprised."

She turned to him. "Excuse me?"

"Well, thats because you used me as a pillow for almost the entire flight." He explained, rubbing his arm lightly as if It ached. "Your little boy friend wasn't too pleased about that."

"He's not my boyfriend." She responded angrily, taking a step towards him.

"Yet." Taehyung added, his lips twisting upwards. Tessa wanted to slap that smirk right off of his face.

"Why do you keep saying that?" She questioned him, staring straight into his face. Up this close, she could see the the warm colour of his eyes.

"Saying what?" He tilted his head slightly, as if he was mocking her.

"That he's my boyfriend."

"Isn't he?" He questioned, hands deep in the pockets of his beige shorts.

Tessa questioned on whether he was her boyfriend or not. They weren't exactly together, but they were going on dates.

At her hesitation, Taehyung chuckled. "See?" He said. He then held out his harm. "Walk with me?"

Tessa stared at the man before her, scowling. "You are the last man I would ever want to be near."

Taehyung watched her retreating figure, not entirely processing what had just happened. He awkwardly dropped his arm, playing it off my brushing down his shirt, then cleared his throat, and followed behind her to where they were meeting for dinner.

As they approached the table, Taehyung could already feel Jimin's gaze on the two figures. Despite Tessa walking ahead of him by a few steps, Jimin still held that skeptical look on his face. Taehyung felt the corners of his lips tug upwards and the most devilish thought when through his mind.

He went into a jog, coming up besides the girl as he sent her a lazy grin, placing an arm delicately around her waist. Tessa jumped back, surprised by his sudden behaviour. However his grip was firm, keeping her by his side. She narrowed her eyes at him, shaking her head.

"I'm sorry." He grinned, sending her heart reeling. "I couldn't help it."

Tessa's hand went down to cover the hand he had on her waist in an attempt to remove it, however he only gripped their fingers together. To the onlookers, they would have looked like a couple. Which was exactly what Taehyung wanted.

Tessa stopped fighting and instead just elbowed him in the ribs, hard enough for him to loosen his grip on her.

Taehyung let out a groan, instantly letting Tessa go as he clutched his ribs. Tessa grinned at the boy next to her and Taehyung paused suddenly, almost as if the breath was knocked out of him.

"Sorry," she mused with a smile, finally walking ahead of him. "I couldn't help it."

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