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"Are you naturally annoying, or do you do annoying things just to piss me off?" Taehyung said with a scowl as he adjusted the lapels of his grey suit that fit him just a little too well.
"Hmm... let me think." Tessa hummed to herself, tapping her chin with the blue pen she held in her hand. Taehyung rolled his eyes at the sight of her. "I just love annoying you. It gives me great satisfaction to know that you don't enjoy my presence, because like wise."
He scoffed. "God forbid I ever do enjoy your presence."
Tessa smiled mockingly at the man infront of her before she rolled her eyes. She looked at Namjoon. "Does he really have to be here? I mean, you couldn't plan this friendship holiday without him."
Namjoon sighed deeply and Eva squeezed his arm supportingly, sending him a sweet smile. Tessa's heart ached at the sight, she had to look away.
"I could say the same about you, love." He said, his eyes burning into her head.
She ignored him with a smile.
"Don't speak to her that way, man. Can't you just be a decent person for once?" Jimin interjected, an annoyed look on his face.
"How charming," Taehyung said, eyes on Jimin now. "Her knight in shining armour."
"I'm not her knight in shining armour," Jimin said awkwardly. "I'm her.."
"Her what?" Taehyung teased, looking at Jimin through slanted eyes.
Jimin scoffed, shaking his head. "I don't need to explain anything to you."
A smirk pulled at Taehyung's lips. "So, her nothing, then?"
Jimin looked like he was about to say something, but Namjoon got there just before he could.
"Okay, guys, please!" He raised his hands, looking annoyed himself. "Can we just get back to our plans, please. I want this trip to be perfect."
Taehyung sat back into his seat, cocking a brow at Jimin before turning to face Namjoon.
Idiot. Tessa thought to herself. She lifted her leg quick and hard, kicking Taehyung in the shin. His entire body jerked, a groan escaping his lips as his hands immediately clasped his leg.
"You son of a-"
"Oops." She smiled before turning her head to Namjoon, who only sighed, throwing his head into his hands.

"Okay so, do we want tropical or do we want cold?" Namjoon asked once everyone finally quietened down.
There was a mixture of answered amongst their group of friends. Namjoon had invited them all over to his house without giving them any information as to why. They were all seated at his dining room table when Namjoon finally announced that he'd like to go in a vacation with his new wife and friends.
"Why not just go with Eva?" Jungkook had asked, his dark brows furrowed together.
"I want to get to know Joon's friends better since I don't have anyone here, so I was the one who actually brought up the idea." Eva chimed in with a soft but shy smile. Tessa was really fond of Eva. She admired her and wanted to be just like her.
"Well, i'm glad i'm not the only female amongst these losers anymore." Tessa joked.
"I'd hardly count you as a female." Said Taehyung, not even looking her.
"Hey!" Tessa scowled in his direction.
"Don't be mean to Tessa," Eva smiled at him. "She's my new friend."
Tessa was touched, while Taehyung looked embarrassed. She wanted to take a picture of his face right now and keep it forever.
"I hope you'll all want to come." Eva continued. "You too Taehyung. I know you're busy with your schedule, but even if it's just for a week. Maybe sometime after your promotions?"
"Maybe." The dark haired man said, however he didn't sound too sure.
"I'm in." Tessa said soon after. "I'll take a week off work. The brides can wait." She said with a laugh. "It's not like I can't help them plan while I'm away. Facetime and emails exist."
"Perfect!" Jungkook chimed with Hoseok, while Taehyung only rolled his eyes, seeming displeased that Tessa would be coming along this trip.
Tessa turned to face the boy besides her, grinning as she said, "Are you coming too? Please say yes!"
Jimin grinned back at her, finding her hand and linking their fingers. "If you're going, I'm going."
It was unknown to the both of them that Taehyung had been watching their exchange with a scowl on his face, hands balled into a fist. 

"Great!" Tessa exclaimed to him. "I wouldn't want to go on a friendship trip without my best friend."

Jimin's smile almost fell. "Right." 

He would be lying if he said that Tessa calling him her best friend after they had been going on dates wasn't a big blow to the gut. Jimin let go of the girls hand, raking his fingers through his blonde hair, hoping that it didn't look so obvious. 

Taehyung chuckled at the sight, shaking his head. 

Pathetic.  His eyes seemed to say once Jimin caught sight of them.  

"I'd rather tropical, somewhere like the Maldives, or Fiji." Eva said after she had thought about it.  There were hums of approval going around the table. No one objected. "Great!" Eva grinned. "So, which one is it?" 

"Maldives." Two people said in unison. 

Tessa and Taehyung looked at each other in complete horror as they realized they had decided on their destination at the same time. 

"Finally, they agree on something." Namjoon said with an exasperated sigh, not sure that he could handle anymore of their arguments. They were like children. Tall, adult sized children, and Namjoon felt like he was the father, given that he was friends with both of them. He didn't want to let the other down by siding with anyone. He would hate to disappoint Taehyung. they were like brothers, and it would do him no good to disappoint Tessa, knowing that she was like a viper snake once someone betrayed her. So thats why he wanted to stay in the middle, although trying to get them to meet eye-to-eye was difficult. 

"Maldives it is." Tessa said, tight-lipped, as she faced away from Taehyung. 

"I should pack my bags." Hoseok said with a worried look on his face, his eyes wandering somewhere else. 

"We're not leaving tomorrow, Hoseok." Jungkook said with a pat to his friends back, but then stopped to face Namjoon. "Wait, when are we leaving?" 

"If everyone would just stop talking, maybe we can get to that part of the conversation." Namjoon said, sounding a little more annoyed than usual. 

The table suddenly went silent. Jimin, because he may have just gotten rejected. Taehyung, because he hated the fact that Tessa and he agreed on something. Tessa, because she couldn't stand the thought of staying in Maldives with Taehyung for a week. Jungkook and Hoseok because they had just gotten yelled at. And Eva, because she felt bad for her husband. 

"Maybe we should take a timeout?" Jungkook suggested after the awkward silence had grown. 

"Good idea." Eva sent him a friendly smile before she whispered something into Namjoon's ear and tugged him away from the table. 

Tessa sat back into her seat, sighing, as she stretched her legs out before hers, stopping mid stretch once her leg came in contact with something. She frowned, ducking her head to peek underneath the table, thinking that maybe she had hit the leg of the table, only to see that it was not the leg of a table, but the leg of a man. She had hit Taehyung again, only this time, it had not been so hard. 

Tessa retrieved her leg quickly and looked up at him, to find him already glaring at her. 

"It was an accident this time, I swear." She said, raising her hands before her. "Maybe if you didn't have such long legs, I wouldn't have kicked you again."

"So its my fault now?" He questioned, raising his brows. 

"Yes." She said. "Well, no, its not, but you shouldn't stretch them out like that." 

"But you did." 

"Yes, thats because I needed to..." 

"Stretch?" He finished off for her, an annoyed expression on his face. "Can you get anymore stupider?" 

"I'm not stupid." She replied back to him sharply. 

Taehyung only scoffed, looking away from her, as if he couldn't bare the sight of her anymore, and for some reason, this made Tessa feel small. 

She wrapped her arms around herself, leaning back into her chair, and looked at anything but him. She hated how he made her feel. 

But most of all, she hated him. 

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