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Pov: Wilhelm.

And it's been another year. A year away from everything I've ever really wanted. Simon.

I don't understand. What's wrong with being someone else's secret? Couldn't he just reach out to me so I wouldn't get expelled from my family? What about my people? Or more than that, what's the problem with reaching out to us? I still can't believe he just threw it all away just like that. But it's probably the way of the world. You meet someone, you're willing to give it all until you become vulnerable and he's willing to turn around the knife.

To think it was a year ago. How fast it went.

Actually, I didn't do too much at this time. Security guards, servants, civilized meetings with royalty families from other countries, fancy awards, you know, everything we usually do. Fucking boring.

Somehow, the press stopped being interested in what happened between me and Simon. Of course, at first, they were a pain in the ass, but my mom was able to convince the jury that it wasn't me lying there with him. As much as I wanted to yell out to them that it was me, I was scared and became an iceberg that can't move.

I've barely found any new friends here. I don't know, I guess when I got back there something blocked me from getting to know other people. I've always been hateful to them because all my heart ever wanted was him. The soft touch. The sweet voice. That stupid smile.

Well, for our sake. The fucking destiny knocked on the door again, too soon as I expected. It was Sunday. I sat on my bed in the room, staring at the empty wall, doing nothing. It was my mother. She came into my room, sat next to me, and patted on my back. "Wilhelm, dear, I know this year has been a bit of a suck, so I've been thinking about it. I have a surprise for you." 

Surprise? Ha, I thought to myself. What could it be? Another royal decorated plate again? No, thank you.

My eyes were staring back at her to see if it was just another one of her untrue promises. "What do you mean?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Silence in the room. "Come on, get ready quickly. Oh, and I already told the servants to pack your suitcase so just put something on, we're leaving now." She went out excited and closed the door.

It is better to be worth it, Mom.

I got in the car. The green road looked familiar, but I didn't jump to too many conclusions even though I was really excited about it because no matter where I'll go, any other place would be better than home. 

Oh, shit. Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit. Did I say shit yet? All right, get another shit to my shits collection.

As you guessed and guessed right, we went to boarding school again. Same place, same fresh smell. And I could tell the same kids I saw talking about the video being spread about me and Simon from the corner of my eye. Mom, if that's what you call a surprise, then check the dictionary again, it calls a nightmare.

Yeah. A nightmare. Not enough I've been through what I've been through, now I'm going to have to go back to another long summer in disgrace? "Um... What exactly are we doing here? I think you were wrong- Can you make a hoof, please?" I asked the driver, and suddenly, my mother grabbed my hand. "Wille, now that things have worked out, I've concluded that it's the only thing that will do you good now. You like that place and- "her hands were sweeping the face of the pickles.

"Yeah, probably..." I whispered. "And it wasn't because of the place itself!" I've raised my voice. "You know exactly why I was happy there, and in this case, it's the same reason you made me run back home!" The tears have already gone down by themselves. "To hide the truth about your son! So don't be naive! Thanks anyway, at least I won't have to hide again." I loosened my hand, walked out the door, slammed it tight, and took my stuff with me.

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