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Pov: Wilhelm.

We made love. Simon and I made love together. It was amazing. I didn't expect it at all. The soft kisses on my body, the gentle, slow touch that made us forget about the outside world, the glances that reflected the exaggerated emotions that we felt, and finally the warm cuddle that made us feel whole. We were cuddling like this for minutes as Simon's hands wrapped around me in warmth and played with my hair.

"Just to be clear," he said through the smile. "We're in trouble now." I turn with my body in his direction and stroked his soft arms. "We're ALWAYS in trouble, Simon, and it's you who kissed me, say it to yourself."

He grinned. "Simon... We're in trouble." He was muttering to himself and I laughed while he covered his face with his hands with embarrassment. "Well, I know, sorry!" I slowly took his hands off his face. "I'm not..." I whispered and kissed these beautiful lips.

"Wait, wait, wait, I really don't... I really can't do this..." He got scared again and then he got off the bed in fear. "You've already done that, I know it's awful, but we're past it," I said sadly. "Right, and I feel terrible about it. I already told you, I can't be someone's secret even if it means being yours's..." He put his shirt on quickly and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked up at him with wrinkled eyebrows. "Then why did you kiss me? I don't understand..." My concern flooded me.

"Cause I wanted it! Okay? But this is where it ends. Really, it can't go on like this anymore." Is he serious?! He can't just drop the bomb and run away like that. He's the one who kissed ME, he's the one who slept with me, who exposed his body to me as I for him. But he's also with this Luca... So, I guess we're really in trouble.

"You can't tell me what just happened here is just, y-you started it!" I've overreacted in complete confusion. On the one hand, I know that what we did was wrong and on the other, my feelings for him are real, I really love him the way I haven't loved anyone in my life.

"It was just the heat of the moment, Wilhelm... Get over it." It pissed me off. 'The heat of the moment,' so don't kiss me next time you feel fragile, what else do you want me to say? "We just made love, Simon! How can you say that?! You know you and I are more than just friends. Have sex with your boyfriend as much as you want, but what we both have, no one else will!"

He was silent. "Luca and I haven't even slept together yet, okay?" He admitted his guilt. A stun chill went through my body. 'Haven't slept together yet?' I thought they already did it. "What? Aren't you...? Um, why?!" He looked down and I was just trying to get my chained feet out of the white sheets to sit next to him.

"Because I keep thinking about you," he said. I don't think he even planned to tell me that. But it felt so well knowing he thinks about me.

"Then why are you still with him? You're killing me, for real..." I said worried, putting my hand on his shaky leg. He remained silent for a while when our looks were locked together. "Cause it is what it is..." He whispered and suddenly stood out of my bed, took his bag, and put it on his back.

A lot of things are unclear to me at this moment. He can't tell me why he's still with his boyfriend, either? I'm pretty sure that if he can't tell me the real reason then maybe there's something else here.

"Well, about the help you offered, if you could talk to someone or find me a place to stay for a while, that would be amazing. See you later." He walked out the door and left me half naked on the bed. I landed on my bed and stayed between the sheets until I was able to recover from what had happened.

August disappeared on me that night. The guys and I had shots at the secret place, but he wasn't there. I got drunk like crazy. I wasn't clear and felt as if I'm flying above the clouds. At some point, Alex grabbed the bottle off the table and poured the booze into my mouth, I was stoned. Hours and hours we spent there until we were burned.

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