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Flashback— Remember my talk with mom in the pool? So, when I thought she was in favor of our relationship, she had to change her mind and I wasn't allowed to see Simon anymore. The public began to make too much noise out about it on any possible platform, so she saw it as a threat and demanded I get away from him as far as possible in this period. I didn't get it well at all.

At nights, she would take my phone away so I wouldn't contact him, but I would sneak into her room quietly, grab my phone out of the drawer, and secretly text him so he doesn't feel like anything bad was going over me.

When I snuck out of the palace and met him in my droom, I was so worried about him and I was surprised to see him bleed all over his face, but I was happy to fall asleep with him in the same bed, it felt so right.

And now that he's in my house, in my private space for the first time ever, all I ever wanted to do was jump on him and hug him hard without letting go. Of course, Mom had to destroy everything and knew exactly when to send the security guard so I could close myself in my room until this mysterious meeting was over.

I didn't know why Simon was here, but I kind of assumed it had something to do with the accident thing. If my mom's involved in this, it's probably not a good sign. I had to do something.

The security guard who accompanied me closed me in my room and waited outside the door to see if I was God forbid trying to escape. I thought to myself, what are we doing now?! I panicked. I wanted to run away to see him, but I didn't have some secret escape from the room or something so I didn't exactly know how I was doing it now that I was being watched.

I went out to the balcony of my room, climbed up, and moved to the other side of it with my feet almost slipping back and my body was almost losing balance. I started to move my feet in little, tiny steps, toward the nearest balcony on my right side, and I climbed it and walked in it, repeating the same things until I got to the balcony of the bathroom. Don't ask me why we have a balcony there, either. I don't know. Still, a palace.

And in the ceiling of the bathtub, I sort of had this metallic vent, so I climbed up on the stool that was on the long dresser, stood on my fingertips, put my hands on the hole, pulled the ear close to my hands, and started listening.

"He called me gay... Are you really justifying this?!" I heard Simon in a blur, raising his voice with a fit of terrible anger. "And you're not like this, Simon?" My mother's voice sounded patronizing. "Don't forget your son is like this..." I could feel the tears of Simon crawling out of his eyes.

All of a sudden, my heart rate went and increased, I was overwhelmed, I couldn't move even, it was like a blast of energy hit me. She has no right to say such a thing. I slipped from my stool and suddenly fell to the floor. "Did you hear that?" Linda, Simon's mother, heard my fall and sounded worried. "It's probably nothing, for our sake." Mom kept talking. I went up the stool again and went back to listen to them. Listening and listening until I couldn't breathe anymore from what I heard.

No. No. No, no, no, no. Just not! It can't be. The deal was that they would leave Sweden and go back to their family in Spain for the rest of their life so that he and I wouldn't see each other in return, mom would give them money, and Simon's name would be wiped off the curious media. We all win- as the way my mom sees it.

I froze in my place. The abdominal wickedness became stronger, my hands flew to the sore chest and stayed there to try to calm the chills. Time slowed down. I wasn't able to process what I just heard. I opened the shower door in shock. Breathed hard, could hardly breathe. I didn't care anymore if anyone saw me. I looked to my left and made eye contact with the security guard who was still standing outside my room. It's been a few seconds before his notice. "Hey!" He started screaming and coming after me, I run down the stairs fast and I start to go to the third floor.

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