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POV: Wilhelm.

We're back to the usual and familiar routine, but not exactly. I'm not sure why, but for the next week, Simon didn't even exchange a word with me. Like something's changed.

When I went by the lockers, they'd kiss in front of my face. When I ate in the cafeteria, I watched them hugging and laughing together. When I went break, they kept kissing and kissing, and again and again. It's like he knew I was looking at them nervously, but it didn't exactly move him. As I thought, Simon didn't want to break up with Luca. Not now, not ever.

This uncertain situation between me and him is fucking annoying. Therefore, I decided to put an end to it. And, after school, I didn't go to my droom like everybody else because I wanted to follow Simon, who was on his way home alone. I know a good short way.

When I arrived, I climbed the fence and fell on the grass that didn't exactly manage to soften my landing. My face was filled with scratches and the annoying fibers of grass. I moved up toward the house quickly and climbed up. To my surprise, the window was already open, so I rolled inside and waited for him on the chair.

Minutes later, I heard his steps approaching the door, the lock turned, the door opened. The second he saw me, he panicked, and almost screamed with fear. I quickly woke up from the chair "Shuh!" My finger blocked his mouth, I stepped toward the door and closed it.

"What are you doing here, you idiot?!" He said. This time he seems angry and unhappy. The atmosphere wasn't good for a change. "I don't have time for games now, Wilhelm. I'm busy." Said with a concrete angry look.

"Yeah, I've seen how busy you are, sure. Tell me, what's the matter with you?! Why are you ignoring me?!" I asked, right up to his body, a sense of anger and confusion. "Don't start." Simon moved me aside and went on his way to the chair, sat on it, opened the bag, and pulled out a book, notebook, and pen. "I have homework to do." Say briefly.

"Don't start what?!" I asked for a lack of understanding. I'm not starting anything here. I just want him back. "You know exactly what, you always do it. Trying to turn it all on me." He also looked confused, his eyes bright, he was reserved.

"It's not my fault we're not talking lately, is it?!" I was wondering. "It's never your fault, Wilhelm. All right?" He was writing in his notebook.

"Can you just try to act like a nice, supportive boyfriend for once?! I don't even know what I did!" I tried to stay low. I really didn't understand what I did wrong. I was frustrated. "Oh, like you don't know," he shot me in the face.

"Okay, Drama Quinn, I'm ready to hear the reason. Come on, I'm all ears." I approached him furiously and closed the notebook behind him. I turned his chair around quickly. "Okay, i know you and Lynn are together!" He looks exhausted.

"What on earth?!" My face wrinkled and kept me from laughing. Yeah, sure, I'm also attracted to girls. "And what makes you think that, Mr. Suspicious?!" I continued. He kept quiet, his eyes opened wide, blinking, folded on the chair, and realized he'd just gotten himself into illusions. "So, you're actually telling' me that all this disregard about me and your kisses with Luca at school were just because you explained yourself that Lynn and I were together?! Wow, you're more jealous than I thought." I walked up to the bed and sat on it so freely.

"Well, I've seen how you help her at the bowling, okay?! You looked way close..." The jealousy that came out of him was too transparent. "Well, yeah, cause we're just good friends, maybe?! You're a moron. I can't stand you." My body leans on the bed and stretches out on it when my hands cover my face.

"Hey, at least I know I'm not the only one who was jealous," he got up out of his chair, slowly came up to me with a smile, and dropped his body on me for a hug. We laughed. "What a futile and stupid argument... Just like you." I said.

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