Together Again Pt. 2

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MARCUS TODAY STOOD BEFORE him, his white hair still as wacky and messy as the day he had last seen him. His eyes crinkled as he smiled, holding out an inviting hand.

Alex remained where he stood, grasping for whatever words he could find to say. "Mr...Mr. Today?" he gasped, shaking his head. "But...what's...?"

"My dear boy." The smile fell, and a world of sadness was within the older man's eyes. "I hadn't expected you for a long while. I don't know what happened, but I'm so sorry to see you here so soon."

"What...what happened?" Alex said numbly. "Eagala...the Revinir...she killed me." He shook his head. " I'm really dead?"

"Eagala?" Mr. Today's eyes narrowed, and then sudden understanding flooded through. "Oh my...Emma..."

Alex stared at him. What was there to say? It had been years since he'd last seen Mr. Today, and yet the empty hole inside him had somehow remained.

"You're here." It was all he could manage. "What...what is this? Why are you...why am I here? In Artimé? How is it still standing?"

Mr. Today shook his head. "Artimé has collapsed the moment you died, Alex. This, however, remains, and through that door is where you will go."

Alex followed the direction. It was the door that no one had been able to open. The one that they had been told not to open. "Huh?"

Mr. Today put a hand on his shoulder. It was solid; he could feel the touch. Marcus Today, his mentor, the closest he'd ever had to a good father, was beside him.

Without warning, he spun around, throwing his arms around the man. Tears welled in his eyes and he tried to stifle back the sobs, but it was a pointless effort. He buried his face in Mr. Today's shoulder, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Oh dear," Mr. Today murmured, patting him on the back. "I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry, Alex. I never meant for any of this to happen to you. I'm so sorry."

It was a long while before the former head mage regained composure, and he stepped back, berating himself furiously. "You've got to stop that, Stowe," he muttered, shaking his head. " it just...?" The question was on the tip of his tongue, and he wanted to ask, but some unknown fear held him back.

"Yes." The man smiled, eyes somehow teary even though they were both...dead. He gestured towards the door. "Come. There are people waiting, Alex."

"Waiting?" His heart rose in his throat, and he choked back another sob. "You mean...they're all there? All of them." Marcus nodded. "Sky! Sky is there?"

But the old man frowned. "The Silent girl?"

Alex nodded frantically. "Sky..." He swallowed. "She died. Simber told me. They said the volcano swallowed her. Where is she?"

Mr. Today watched him for several minutes. Finally, he laid a gentle hand on the younger man's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Alex," he said. "But Sky isn't here. She's still alive."

Alex blinked. "Still alive?" The older man nodded, and the hope that had bloomed in his chest burst like a balloon, deflating until all he felt was a hollow hole. He'd lost her, or so he'd believed, and now he knew the truth, and he'd lost her again.

"I'm sorry, Alex."

He shook his head. "It''s fine." He looked at the door. Death was supposed to be peaceful, wasn't it? But all he felt was a void, and a painful one, too. Oh, Sim. I'm so sorry.

And Thisbe...his sister hadn't been there. Was Fifer alright? And what about Lani, and Samheed? They were still alive, perhaps, but...Lani's legs. Without the magic, her contraption would be useless.

He closed his eyes. "Alex?" Mr. Today was speaking again. "Are you alright?"

"No." Alex opened his eyes, looking down at his arm. He flexed it; it moved. Despite himself, a ragged smile touched his lips. "I don't know."

He looked back at his mentor. "Thisbe's in danger." He didn't know why he was saying it; he just needed to. "I tried to find her. I tried to save her, and I...I failed." He'd failed the twins more times than he'd cared to admit, and now Thisbe would never know how much he truly cared for her. "I'm such an idiot."

"Alex." There was that familiar tone of gentle admonishment, and he wasn't afraid to admit that he'd missed it. "Everyone has their faults. Your friends are as strong-willed as you are. One day, your sister will come to understand."

"How can you be so sure?" Alex winced as he remembered every moment he'd scolded them, every moment he'd prevented them from doing the exact same things he'd done as a kid. "I...I really messed up."

"As did I." Marcus held out a hand, his face lined with compassion and empathy. "Come, Alex. Let us join the rest."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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