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"YOU WANTED TO SEE ME?" The low growl of the cheetah spoke from behind, and the balcony trembled ever so slightly. Marcus Today turned around, greeting his oldest friend with a warm smile.

"Simber," he said, resting a hand on the cat's neck. "Yes. Yes, I did want to see you." Simber said nothing, waiting. "The boy. What do you think of him?"

"Alex?" Marcus nodded, and the stone cat shook his head. "He's got a sharrrp mind. As long as he can figurrre out how to let go of his brrrother, he could be quite the asset when he's olderrr."

"Yes," Marcus mused, turning back towards the sea. "My thoughts, as well." A momentary lull cut through the conversation as each companion took his own time to ponder.

Alex was smart. He was also one to look for any other possible solution other than a fight. It was one of the many things Marcus admired in the boy, as well as his pure heart and mind.

Not that I have much of a choice, he admitted to himself. There was no other option, and he wasn't disappointed that the boy was that one option.

"You know much of Justine and I," he said at last. "Perhaps this war might one day end. Perhaps not. But even if something were to happen to Justine..."

"You'rrre worrried about Aarrron?"

"Yes. Very much so." Marcus pursed his lips. "He's quite close with my dear sister, and possibly as ambitious as she. When I am gone, Simber, who will take my place?"

He looked over as he spoke. Simber stared at him, those stone eyes boring into his very soul. And then, "You want Alex to take yourrr place."


The cat looked ahead, silent. Such a thought that Marcus Today would eventually die was one that filled him with a muted sense of sorrow. And yet, as much as Simber despised the thought, Marcus was indeed a human, and humans did not live forever.

It was always the twins. Marcus and Justine, and now Alex and Aaron. Simber looked back at Marcus, and the two stared right back at each other, waiting for the other to speak.

"With a little morrre trrraining, I think Alex has the potential to become a grrreat mage," the cat said, his tone softening a little. The boy had grit...and he was also as stubborn as a mule. Though he would never admit it out loud, Alex had begun to grow on him.

Marcus smiled, but this time, the smile was almost wistful, as if he were about to face his last minutes then and there.

"Good," was all he said. It was all he needed to say.

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