Caregiver Tsukishima

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Kageyama's pov

Volleyball practice just finished and I'm trying so hard to not slip. Today was stressful because Oikawa's team was in a match against us earlier and then we did our regular practice. I was getting overwhelmed and I needed to slip soon.
Everyone had to leave early and it was me and tsukishima's turn to clean up the sports room. I grabbed a broom and started sweeping while tsukishima was clearing up the ground and dusting and making sure the equipment was put away.
I got my foot hooked on something and then fell face forward on the ground. With that I slipped into littlespace. I curled up into a ball and started crying.
Tsukishima came up and said "the king is crying just because he fell?"

Tsukishima's POV

I heard crying and walked to where the sound was coming from. I then look and see Kageyama, my instincts were telling  me help him but instead out a snarky horrible comment, "the king is crying because he fell?" I felt so bad. I then see him start crying a little harder and said "dwont hwurt me pwease" (don't hurt me please)
It then hit me. He is talking like a child, is he an age regressor? I then say " I'm not gonna hurt you but I need to know, are you an age regressor?"  I saw him look at me and nod shyly. "Do you have a caregiver kageyama?" "No" He replied. I then ask "do you want me to be your caregiver?" He nods and then says "wes pwease" (yes please)

Tsukkikage little Kageyama AUWhere stories live. Discover now