Chapter 6

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Hello!!! Sorry for not updating but I didn't had any ideas. Now I have...some...anyway I think this will be a small story. How about making it sad? don't know I think that's what I am going to do.

Lilly's pov

It's Sunday. I texted Amy.

Goodmorning. Do you want to go to Starbucks? I have news to tell you.

Sure! Be there in an hour.


I did a quick shower and then I wore a black t shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I dried my hair and curled them. I put black and white eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black and white eye pencil, black mascara and pink lip gloss. I wore some black braceletes, my blue coat, my base heels and I took my brown purse.

I got in my car and drove to starbacks. I know, it is a very usual place to meet but I like it! I got in and I saw Amy ordering. I said hi to her and then I ordered a cappuccino. Then we sat on a table.

"So what do you want to tell me?"

"I have a secret relationship with Luke!"

She was so socked she almost spit her coffee!

"Are you serious now?"


"If I remember well, you were the one saying, I am not ready for a new relationship not even with Luke Hemmings!" She said with a stupid voice.

"Okay yes I said that but now I am!"

"Wow that was quick!"

"He came to my showcase and...hey you didn't came!"

"I told you I'll come next suterday! Now keep going!"

"When the showcase finished I got outside and he was there. He congruded me and know...the usual."

"okay. And why is it secret?"

"Because, I told Ashton that I am not ready for a relationship and he'll be mad!"

She started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"You! You and Luke! You guys think that you can keep it secret?"

"Why not?"

"Can I remind you that Luke is veryyy famous?"


"There is no way you can hide it from the paparazzi!"

Wowww....I hadn't even think of that!

"No we can! We just need to be carefull and nobody is going to find out."

Sudenly my phone rang and I saw it was Luke!


Hey I was wondering...


Mayne you want to meet up somewhere..

for what?

No I don't meen...just hang out somewhere...secret

errr do you meen...

no no! Just hang out.

Okay where?

I don't know...your house? Again, I don't meen ...

okay okay I believe you! Yeah be there in an hour.




I hung up and Amy was staring at me.

"Who was it?"


"And what he wanted?"

"We are going to meet at my house."



"This is moving on too fast!"

"No! He is not coming for now what!"

"Okay...I should go now. Call me after the..."


"Okay okay. Bye"

She took her purse and left. Does Luke want to come for that reason? I don't think so. Amy is crazy. I left and drove to my apartement.

Luke would be here in a while so I decided to were something cuter! I wore a grey top with white spots and a dark grey skirt.

Luke's pov

I called Lilly and I'll go to her house. I don't want her to think that I want to have sex! Just hang out as a couple. And I'll be very carefull with the paparazzi.

I wore a hoodie and a pair of black glasses and I quickly drove to Lilly's house. I walked to the third floor and knocked the door.

"One sec!" I heard Lilly's voice from inside.

Soon, she answered the door. She...she was beautiful! I usually see her with athletic clothes and swety ponytails. But now...she is amazing!

"Hey Luke..."

"H...hey! Wow look great!"

"Thanks! You too! Allthough I can't see you with the glasses and the hoodie!"

"well, I have to be carefull for the paparazzi!"

"Okay! Come in" she said with a flirty smile.

I got in and I took a good look of the apartement. It was very nice and cosy. I took off my coat and I hang it to the hanger. I sat on the black couch.

"Hey I am going to get some drinks!" Lilly said


She headed to the kitchen while I was still looking round the apartement. There was a ballerina painting on the wall, a ballerina notebook on the table, a porcelain ballerina dacorative and so go on! She must like ballet very much!

Lilly's pov

I got in the living room with two drinks and I saw Luke staring at my ballet things. I put the drinks in the table and sat next to him.

"A lot of ballet things huh?" I said

"Yeah! Do you like it so much?"

"Are you kidding me? It's my life!"

He drank some of his drink and then he continiued talking.

"And you have these...pointe shoes...that's how they called right?"

"Haha! Yeah! That's how they called!"

He just smiled and drank some of his drink.

It was actually very romantic! I had put fire on the fireplace and I had open only a few lights so it was quite dark. After some kisses, drinking and talking, we fell asleep on the couch.

I am not going to continiue the story till I finish my other story. Don't worry it is not going to be a long time of waiting!

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