Putting The Well in Wellington

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Pre Authors Note: thank you kale_smoothie24 on Instagram for giving me the idea for this chapter! Also, this chapter is kinda everywhere but I like it.

It was a late night but the boys were so high on adrenaline from the finished show that they wanted to celebrate. In fact, it was the final night of the Oceania leg of the tour and they were all buzzing with excitement about their month-long break.

"What are you guys wanting to do? We can stay inside and order something. " Liam said, looking up from his phone.

Louis laid his head on Harry's shoulder and smiled up at him enjoying the warmth, "No, we should go out! And have fun. We never go out anymore Liam." Louis gave him puppy eyes, "It will be good for us I swear. We will be so kind and respectful."

Liam sighed at him, "Fine."

"Where's the closest pub to here?" Inserted Niall wanting to be a part of the conversation. The driver pulled up his GPS and began typing.

"Britomart bar 1885 is the closest place to here. Do you want to go there?" The driver quickly replied. The boys nodded in agreement and they were off.

Soon, they pulled up to a beautiful building in the middle of the town square. Harry and Louis got out of the car with their hands laced together. They leaned on each other as they watched into the dim lit bar. The bar had been cleared out for them so that they could enjoy their night without hundreds of fans swarming them for autographs and photos.

All five of the boys walked up to the island and picked a stool Harry next to Louis, Niall in the middle, and Liam next to Zayn. It was natural to them. "We will take 5 shots of tequila." Zayn told the bartender. Soon, they were dished out to each of them.

*make out warning* 35% Wasted:

"Harry, come dance with me!" Louis said yelling from the dance floor. He was all alone dancing like a monkey around the windowless room. "Harry, come on!" He reluctantly went to dance with Louis. It was awkward at first but soon they found each other's rhythm.

Louis spun Harry like a ballerina until he fell on the ground. "I'm so sorry, Hazza. Are you ok?"

"No, I think I broke something!" Harry lifted his limp wrist up in the air, but it wasn't long until he was laughing hysterically at him. "You should have seen your face. You looked so worried."

"That was not funny Harry and you know it. I will be getting you back." Louis laid on the ground beside the boy and looked up at the flashing lights, in awe of the different colors.

Harry looked to his left side where his sun laid beside him and smiled. How could've he gotten so lucky? Harry grabbed Louis' neck and pulled it closer to his lips. They stared at each other, unable to take their eyes off of one another. They took shaky breaths waiting for the other to make the first move. Harry moved in closer, taking the lead. They pressed their lips into each other breaking into a passionate kiss they would both remember for a lifetime. Louis slid his tongue into Harry's mouth and he followed.

Louis moved his warm hands underneath his shirt and Harry gasped slightly for air. Louis moved hands to his back and scooted Harry closer to where there was no space between them. He ran his fingers through Harry's thick brown hair and he let out a small whine.

"Harry, Louis! Come to Liam's speech! Harry? Louis?" Zayn said walking in. When he finally noticed his mouth fell wide open and he froze. "Oops, I didn't mean to." They jumped apart and stood 6 feet away from each other both blushing a deep shade of red.

"It's fine really. Nothing was going on. Just two lads doing lad things." Harry said, fixing his shirt to the right position. Zayn nervously chuckled walking away and both of the boys followed hand and hand.

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