Deleted Puppy Scene

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Author's Note: Heyy! Surprise! This is something I wrote a while ago for a different story that is now deleted.

It is going to look like I am yelling for moment but I'm not. I just really need people's attention.
K enjoy :)

"Louis, I just got home!" Harry shouted when entering the door. "Louis?" Harry walked into the living room to see Louis, his long time partner, playing with a puppy on the floor. "What is this?" Harry threw his backpack off his shoulder onto the couch.

"It's a puppy!" Exclaimed Louis. He smiled so brightly at the little thing.

"Where did you get it?" Harry asked, confused because when he left the house this morning, he swore there was no puppy in it.

"I was driving home from the studio and I took a detour because I was bored. I started driving into more of the 'country' area and there was a sign. It said 'Labradoodle Puppies Available'. I went to go look at them because I was still bored and had some time to fill. I looked at them and they were too cute to say no too! I got this little boy."

"Lou, puppies are a lot of work. We are busy all of the time. We can't take care of a puppy." Harry stared at his eyes sternly.

"Harry, I know puppies are a lot of work, but I am a grown adult and I can handle it. I bought all of the things for him already. How about we just keep him for a week and see how it goes. If it is horrible we will find him a new home , if we love it, we get a new puppy!" Louis said happily and turned back to play tug with the thing.

"Alright, I'm going to get cleaned up. I'm super tired. What do you say about pizza and a movie?"

"Yeah that sounds good, I'll call it in." Louis couldn't take his eyes off the puppy. Harry smirked at him and went to go take a shower. He knew that no matter what happened they would be keeping the puppy. If it made Louis smile, it usually made Harry smile.

Harry got out of the shower and threw on some tracksuit bottoms with a sweatshirt. It was a cold night in London as always and Harry wanted to feel warm. Before leaving their bedroom he got a white weighted blanket with fake fur on the top. "Did you call it in?" Harry asked Louis who was now relaxing on the couch with the curly- haired puppy.

"I did. Should be here in about 15 minutes." Louis stared at his phone looking at twitter and what was being talked about on their names. "Did you see this shit?" Louis shoved the phone into Harry's hands. It was an article from the Daily Mail that was called, "Elounor's Best Moments (Because We Just Miss Them So Much),".

"Yeah, I actually did." Harry pushed the phone away from his face not wanting to look at it any longer. "I wonder who the 'close source' is that says you've been hanging out lately."

Louis glared at the article, irritated, "Probably Simon or some other dumbass from Modest. I'm so sick of this shit. If I have to be in a PR relationship I guess I will do it but it makes no sense why they keep bringing this up! I am supposed to be in a different relationship to the public. I am supposed to be with..." Harry thought that Louis would say his name for just a second but that wasn't the case. "Danielle. Why do they want me to be a cheater so badly. I don't want the fans to think I'm a bad person." Louis stormed off to the kitchen and Harry stared at him because he felt bad for him.

He really wished that there was something he could do. Harry hated that their relationship was basically the root of all the stress in their lives. Sometimes Harry thought it would just be better if he let Louis go.

"So, what are we naming this puppy?" Harry came over to Louis and hugged his waist.

Louis sighed in annoyance, "If we aren't sure about keeping it, why would we name it?" He pushed out of Harry's grasp to go finish making his cup of tea.

"I was thinking in the shower that maybe it would be a good idea to keep him. It might be a fun thing that helps us come together in some ways."

"Yeah?" Harry grabbed his waist again. Louis spun around in his arms to look at his eyes.

"Yeah." They kissed for a few beats without letting go of each other. Louis pulled away to continue making his tea.

"What about Harold?" Louis chuckled.

"Um- No. Do you ever want to talk about this dog?"

Louis looked down at his cup sad again. If they were free he could name it anything he wanted."Yeah, I guess that might be a problem."

Harry looked at the skyline trying to think of something that could be perfect. Then he thought of it, "What about Clifford?" Louis looked back at him excitedly, they had just found a name for their new puppy.

Authors note: I was really proud of this chapter a year ago when I wrote it for a different fic. It so crazy because when I wrote that other story, I thought about how I was going to make so many friends but it's funny how everything turned out. I have made a couple of friends and I know they are going to read this, so thanks besties!

Questions or concerns can be commented here.

My Instagram is 1d_supermancarrots. Vote, comment, like if that's something you do. Byeee besties

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