The ring

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She is wearing the same thing as last chapter because it is the morning

She is wearing the same thing as last chapter because it is the morning

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This is Oakley's ring that she wears if you wanted to know

The next morning
Kade's POV:

I wake up to see my beautiful girl sleeping peacefully, her hair was messy and she had a little drool on her plump lips. Even when she is sleeping he is beautiful, I look at her and see scars and bruises all over her perfect body, how the hell did she get all of these scars and bruises? She stirs in her sleep and she opens her eyes slowly,She smiles at me and she blushes when she realizes I'm shirtless

Hi baby

Hi kade!

Someone seems happy today

I am

And why is that princess

Because I got you something

Ok what is it

She get into the nightstand and pulls out a tiny box, she hands it to me and I open it, I look inside to see a ring

She get into the nightstand and pulls out a tiny box, she hands it to me and I open it, I look inside to see a ring

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I got it because you don't wear one and I thought it would look nice if you wore one

I put it on my finger and I smirk because she wanted me to wear a ring, I tackle her and kiss her whole face, I slowly lean in and she does the same. I feel my lips touch hers and it was amazing, her lips are soft and plump just how I imagined.

I lick her lips but she doesn't open them, I pinch her ass and she gasp, I plug my tongue inside her mouth and our tongues fight for dominance but of course I won, she pulls away probably because she was losing air, her lips are swollen and red, her cheeks were bright red also. I smirk and I get off the bed trying to hide my hard on.

I'm getting in the shower babygirl


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