Im sorry baby

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Kade's POV:

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Kade's POV:

After I yelled at Oakley I went to the bar. Leo came too and he told me that she probably wasn't apart of it and she most likely didn't even know about it,  I went home to find Oakley, by the time I got back home she was asleep in one of the spare bedrooms, she was crying you could tell because her eyes her puffy and red.

I'm sorry baby

I kiss her head and I go lay down in my bed alone

The next morning

I get up and go straight to the room where Oakley was, I walk in as quietly as I can because it is 5:45 and she is probably still asleep. She turns and looks at me, her eyes were still puffy and red which breaks my heart because I hurt her.

Can we talk


I'm sorry baby, I shouldn't have yelled at you, you probably didn't even know what I was talking about and you are not a slut or a bitch

I was wearing that stuff because my father and Daniella told me to wear it, they wanted me to please you so I tried but you didn't like it so I didn't know what to do, what am I suppose to do to please you.

Oh baby it isn't that I didn't like you it is because your father is stealing from me so I think he was trying to get you to distract me.

I'm sorry

Don't say sorry it isn't your fault at all but I have a question for you


Will you be my wife?

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