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Her dress

Her shoes

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Her shoes

Her makeup

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Her makeup

Her makeup

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Her hair

Kade's POV:

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Kade's POV:

Today is the gala and it is in an hour, Oakley is looking beautiful like always

Are you ready buba

Yes baby come on

We get into the car and we drive to my parents house, this is going to be a long night

Oakley's POV:

We get to kade's parents house and it is absolutely beautiful the house was huge! We walk into there house and kade's  parents come up to us

Hi baby, hi Oakley

Hi Mrs. Lorenzo

Oh call me Luna Mrs. Lorenzo makes me sound old

Hi mama, hi papa

Hi Kade

Come on let's go sit down

We all sit down at the table, I see kade's sister Bella and kade's brother Nicola

Hey Oakley, long time no see

Hey Bella, ya how is your husband and the kids

They are good, the kids are taking a nap and dalton is getting drinks for us

Did I forget to mention that she is married to one of kade's really good friend dalton Russo

So will I be able to see baby Finn and nova. How old are they

Yes you will, there birthdays are really close together, just a week ago Finn turned one and nova is turning 4 in 2 weeks

Aww I have to come to the birthday party

Of course

I'm back baby, oh hi Oakley

Hey dalton

Hi baby sis

I giggled when I realize he is talking to both me and Bella

Hi big brother

I really had to pee so I told Kade where I was going and I go into the restroom, when I am washing my hand I feel something hit my head and everything goes black

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