Chapter 3

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A colored burst of energy was shown to be flying around the forest as the group tried to find Olaf. "Maybe that energy is following him." Haruka suggested to the others. "Worth a shot," Kirara replied. "Let's follow that energy!" The group went after the energy as it found its way to Olaf as he had a bit of a musical number to himself. "This will all make sense when I am older, Someday I will see that this makes sense, One day when I'm old and wise~" Olaf sang as he walked through the enchanted forest. "I'll think back and realize, That these were all completely normal events, Ah!~," he then began through a dark and spooky part of the forest as his shadow looked quite menacing and frightening at first. "I'll have all the answers when I'm older, Like why we're in this dark, enchanted wood, I know in a couple years, These will seem like childish fears, So I know this isn't bad, it's good~," he then looked to see beady red eyes. "Excuse me." "Please don't let those be werewolves." Towa mumbled.

"Growing up means adapting~" sang Olaf, as a boulder rolled by behind him. "Puzzling at your world and your place; When I'm more matu-u-u-re, I'll feel to-tal-ly secure, being watched by something with a creepy, creepy face~" he gazed into a pond and saw something that wasn't his reflection gazing back, so he screamed and ran... While dodging being smashed by boulders. Eventually, a pile of leaves swirled all around and made the snowman fly up in the air and land in a giant footprint and break into pieces. "Um... Olaf?" Pafu called in concern as the snowman didn't move at first. The group looked at each other before bowing their heads for a moment of silence before yelping as Olaf suddenly sprung back to normal. "See, that will all make sense when I am older, So there's no need to be terrified or tense, I'll just dream about a time, When I'm in my aged prime~," Olaf continued his little song number as he reassembled himself and poked his carrot nose out as he crawled out of the hole he ended up inside of. "'Cuz when you're older, Absolutely everything makes sense~... This is fine." he smiled, feeling content.

And then, a whirling cyclone swept him up. Anna and the others were still looking for Olaf when the cyclone swept them up as well. "HEY, GUYS!" Olaf shouted. "MEET THE WIND SPIRIT!" "I think I'm gonna be sick...!" Anna called. "I'd hold your hair back, but I can't find my arms!" Olaf replied. Haruka looked a bit woozy herself as she looked very dizzy. Sven and Kristoff rammed into each other and Kristoff ended up below the reindeer and it looked like Sven was riding on the man's back through the cyclone as they spun around and around at ludicrous speed. Elsa shot an ice blast to keep a tree from cutting right into her sister, then shook at something that swept at her. "Hey! Stop!" The cyclone soon receded, with the group landing on the ground, but Elsa was still inside the vortex, as she was blasting ice beams at it from both sides. "Let her go!" Anna shouted. Elsa concentrated as hard as she could to try and push the cyclone away, but she heard unusual sounds and looked up to the top of the cyclone to see what looked like shapes of people. Anna decided to at least try to help Elsa. "Anna, be careful!" Kristoff cried out. "That's my sister!" Anna called out to him. Elsa struggled to keep the cyclone away before she screamed and there was a huge explosion. Once the explosion cleared, the cyclone and ice sphere were gone before ice sculptures with different shapes were surrounding them as Elsa was now by herself as the group looked out at her. "Are you okay?" Anna asked as she came to her sister. "I'm fine." Elsa reassured. "Thank goodness." Minami sighed in relief.

Sven and Kristoff glanced at the reindeer sculpture. "What are these?" asked Kristoff. Elsa approached a horse sculpture. "It's like they're moments in time..." "What's that thing you say, Olaf?" asked Anna. The snowman in question was trying to warm himself by a frozen campfire. "My theory about advancing technologies being both our saviors and our doom?" he asked. "No, not that... Not that one," Anna replied. "The one about..." "Cucumbers?" "No, the one about water." Anna explained. "Oh! Water has memory," Olaf said before taking a stick as Sven lapped up water from a puddle in the ground before he used it to rub against the reindeer like a professor giving a lecture. "The water that makes up you and me has passed through at least four humans and or animals before us and remembers everything." Sven looked disgusted at that before spitting out the puddle water he drank a bit. Suddenly, the leaves and wind came back, messing all around with the others and even making some of them fly or moving their clothes over their heads. "You're naughty," Olaf giggled at the wind. "I think I'll name you Gale." "Get out there!" Kristoff complained. "Stop touching me!" Haruka ranted. "Oh, hi, are you curious." Anna smiled bashfully before yelping as her cloak dropped over her head. "You in the better mood now?" Elsa giggled the wind as it flew by before showing them an ice formation of two people who seemed to be rubbed against each other as one held the other before the sisters came to take a closer look.

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