Chapter 6: D-ranks and Training

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"Why did you tell the Uchiha boy about that without asking us, Sarutobi?"

Koharu Utatane slammed her hands on the table in front of the Hokage in rage, making the paper on it flying everywhere. The old Hokage just threw her a sharp glare.

"And tell me, why should I ask you about what I am going to do to one of my shinobi, Koharu?"

"We are the council advisors!" the old hag screeched not unlike a certain pink-haired kunoichi. "We have the right to know..."

Killing intent suddenly filled the room. The two advisors slumped down on the ground in fear, choking on their spit when Sarutobi stood up, his eyes glued at their faces with a menacing glare as if he was out for their blood.

"Listen up you," the old man growled. "You may be the council advisors, but I am the Hokage. This is a shinobi village, and I hold absolute power over all shinobi and kunoichi in this village, including you! What I decide to do with my shinobi is not of your competence to interfere. Understand?"

Koharu and Homura nodded shakily. They understood that, despite being an old coot just like them, Hiruzen Sarutobi was not known as the third God of Shinobi for nothing.

"ANBU!" the Hokage barked. "Get these two meatbags out of my office!"

Behind the door, Danzo Shimura cursed in his mind. He didn't expect the old monkey Sarutobi to make a come back like this. Because of this, his plan to take over the Hokage seat in the near future would be much harder to bring into action.

But no matter... He still had other ideas in mind...

"Kakashi-sensei is late again."

Sakura tapped her foot on the ground in annoyance. Naruto sighed, shaking his head.

"Well, he is Kakashi-sensei after all. We shouldn't have listened to him."

This was the fourth time said sensei was late in a team meeting. He said that they would begin their first mission that morning.

But seriously, who in their right mind would issue missions for them at 5 freaking a.m.?

"Damn that Kakashi," Sasuke grumbled. "Luckily I'm used to waking up early..."

"Well, going back home now is just silly," Naruto started. "How about sparring until Kakashi-sensei arrives? I'm getting itchy for a good fight."

Sakura hesitated. "Uh... I don't think doing that before a mission is a good idea..."

"Very well," Sasuke cut in. "I also want to see how strong you really are."

After the bell test, everyone in Team 7 had seen Naruto in a different eye.

Naruto grinned. "Sweet! So how about you and Sakura team up against me?"

Sakura raised an eyebrow. "Huh? Two against one? What makes you so confident?"

Naruto deadpanned, then crossed his fingers. A shadow clone appeared next to him in a puff of smoke. Sakura groaned. "Right, say no more."

"Then let's get started," Sasuke declared with a smirk. Naruto grinned back at him.

"Bring it on."

"Hey you three, I was going to come here at 5, but a black cat crossed..."


Kakashi had to jump out of the way when a shadow clone of Naruto was thrown straight at his face.

"Heh, you're actually quite good, Naruto," Sasuke grinned between heavy breathes.

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