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Ashley would never admit to anyone that she was more relieved that things were back to normal when her dad was freed from bed rest than she was about him completely recovering.
Well, at least until he turned up at lunchtime talking about how he was going off on the rescue mission leaving the next day.

"Wait, so you're actually going halfway across Romania for three weeks?" She stared at him, trying to sort out her thoughts and feelings, slowly restocking the shelves and medicine cupboards.

He nodded excitedly, "They're giving me a spot on the team for it while Sam is visiting home!"

She nodded slowly, not really surprised. "Do you need anything specific or just the usual?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"Whatever you feel is best. Anyway, I have to go prepare for it."

And just like that he was gone, leaving Ashley thinking that he was so much easier to deal with when he wasn't allowed to do anything except eat sleep and read.

"Well, that was interesting." Pete raised an eyebrow at her, but she turned away. "Are you ok with it?"

Ashley nodded, but didn't face him. "Yeah, that sort of stuff makes him happy, at least he's not stuck at home on the sofa bed all the time now."

"Ok, well if you need anything while he's gone, even just some company, you're welcome at mine."

Thanking him, she resumed her task, trying not to think too much about it. She didn't really have a choice but to be ok with it, it wasn't as though he wouldn't go just because she asked him not to: she'd tried that before, it would have been more productive talking to a brick wall on the matter. She just had to get stuck into work and not think about any of it.

Easier said than done.

She finished up and sat back, reading some book or other, but she wasn't paying attention to it, not really. It was difficult to pay attention to it when she knew her dad would be halfway across the country with no Healer, walking right into possibly one of the most dangerous situations he's ever been in, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"I think I might need medical assistance."

Ashley looked up, glad to see some things hadn't changed. She directed Charlie to a bed, pulling on some latex gloves and walking over to examine him. "What did you do?"

He smiled sheepishly at her exasperated tone, "I got distracted feeding some of the babies and one of them took a chunk out of me."

True enough, there was a sizeable bite taken out of his forearm. Ashley raised her eyebrows, impressed. "What kind of baby was it that did that? Surely not a baby anymore."

Charlie pouted, "they're all babies until they're fully grown."

Shaking her head, Ashley did her best to clean him up, though she warned that it would take a few days until he had full use of that arm again - which, considering the damage, wasn't a horrible return.

"Hey, I heard about your dad going on the mission to the hunting grounds, are you sure he's completely up for that so soon after being cleared?"

Ashley sighed, turning away, "he's been cleared. Besides, he really won't listen to anyone telling him he can't go, he'll find a way."

Staying silent for a minute, he tried to gauge how she was feeling about the whole thing. "Well, they'll be leaving at midnight tonight, if you want to see him off. I usually go to wish them good luck, you'd be welcome to do the same."

"Thanks. I suppose I should, seeing as he is my dad."

Charlie grimaced, glancing over to Pete who was still stuck with paperwork. Ashley figure that now she was there, he was using the time to get it all under control, fixing a few things that had needed an upgrade since before she was even born.

"It is what it is, you know? He is who he is, there's no changing that. This is what makes him happy, who am I to deny him that?"

"His child. Only child. Who has sacrificed her entire life for him?" Charlie poked her side, "look, I get the whole 'you don't want to be selfish' thing but there are some times where you have to put your foot down. This may be one of them."

Laughing, she turned back to him, rubbing healing cream into her burned hands, "I tried that. So many times. It would be more productive trying to teach a fish to climb a tree."

Charlie didn't look entirely surprised, his attention being drawn to her hands. "What on earth have you done?" He spoke too loudly, drawing Pete's attention. He quickly waved him away as he looked over.

She grimaced. "I destroyed my dragon-hide gloves in Italy, didn't have time to get any new ones while here. The burn creams I use on you guys are too strong, they eat through the latex gloves here."

"Why didn't you say to anyone here! Right, I'm off to the town, I'll be back soon." He looked determined, and though Ashley tried to convince him she was fine and she had treatment for herself, there really was no stopping him. Charlie could be as stubborn as her dad when it fancied him, it seemed.


Ten to midnight and Ashley-Rae and her dad were stood at the gates to the sanctuary, where everyone was checking they had enough supplies for the trip, saying goodbye to friends who then disappeared back to their homes to get a few hours sleep before having to wake up for their shifts.

She stood, trying not to show how nervous she was, and hopefully succeeding, seeing as no one was saying anything. "Ok, are you sure you've got everything?"

He nodded, going through the checklist again. "I'm sure, We've been through the checklist about a hundred times."

"Ok." She nodded. "If you don't come back here alive and in one piece, I will murder you myself."

He laughed but hugged her tightly anyway. "I'll come home, Ash. I always do."

She nodded, and she and the others that had come to wave them off stood back, letting them get on their way. Charlie stood next to her, watching as they walked off into the distance and out of sight. Considering they were going to a literal hunting ground, there was no way they could just apparate there and back; that was a sure way to get killed and/or bring hunters back to the sanctuary where all-out war would ensue.

"He'll be fine, Ash. They're some of the most talented people I know, He'll come home ok."

She nodded, sighing and turning back to make her way back home.

"Here." He handed her something and she rolled her eyes, refusing to take it.

"I can't accept that."

He grinned, "you don't have a choice! Otherwise, I just wasted my money."

"NO!" She held her hands back so he couldn't try and force her to take it. "You can't force me to accept it!"

Charlie pouted, "but I spent money on it! Plus, look at your hands! Whatever treatment you're using doesn't work well enough to stop your hands from literally being torn apart."

She looked down at her palms, noticing what he was talking about. "I'll pay you back for them." She sighed, resigning herself to it.

"No, you won't!" He laughed cheekily, running as she tried chasing him to convince him to take the money she was offering.

"Charlie Weasley get your ass back here! Take the damn money!" She called after him, becoming tired way too quickly and having to stop and catch her breath.

He looked back, walking back quickly, concern written all over his face. "Are you feeling ok?"

Nodding, she finally caught her breath, "yeah, just not used to running anymore, clearly." She tried to smile. "Usually dad and I are a lot more active, we only really stay in the same place if we're near a town or a city, so I guess staying here for a while has really lowered my stamina."

Charlie didn't look convinced, and Ashley herself didn't really believe what she was saying, but neither said anything about it, just leaving it for now. She hoped she wasn't getting sick, that wouldn't do anyone any good. "Come on, I'll walk you back to yours, can't leave you out here by yourself."

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