come home

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Charlie's biggest regret was never responding to Ashley-Rae's letter.

The words were burned into his memory, even after that first time reading it.

But seeing her across the marquee in her dress, laughing and talking with his family, he couldn't even remember his name, much less his reasoning as to why he never answered her. And yet, he was still undeniably in love with every inch of her being.

"Go talk to her," Bill spoke from beside him. "Just a normal conversation." And he left to the dance floor with his new wife.

Charlie paused, but knew that he should say something, even if it was just that she looked gorgeous. Slowly, he made his way over to her, though what he would say when he got there, he really didn't know.

And then all hell broke loose.


The Weasley family - minus a few - were all gathered in the kitchen, still in their outfits from the wedding. Mrs Weasley was doing her best to patch everyone up, but there was only so much she could do with limited knowledge of their injuries, but she did an incredible job, though it was fairly obvious she was completely shaken to her core.

"Mum, really, I'm fine, you look like you need to go lie down." Charlie backed away slowly.

"Charlie, please sit still for just one minute! You're limping, you are certainly not fine." She pleaded, watching the cursed wound on his thigh, "it doesn't look too good."

"Mum I'm fine, I just need to get back-"

"Sit your ass down in that chair before I superglue you to it, Princess." Ashley glared at him, arms crossed, as everyone turned to stare at her with a mixture of shock, confusion and fear.

Charlie immediately sat, then looked slightly embarrassed.

"How did-" Arthur suddenly had the good sense to draw his wand, as did Molly and Bill.

"Oh relax," Ashley pulled her medical bag out of her rucksack, "I was part of the Order before I even left Hogwarts."

The twins looked at each other before bursting into laughter, "'princess'?"

Ashley didn't bother to spare them a glance, focusing on Charlie's injuries before her. "If either of you want to be treated within the next century, shut up and behave."

The two of them looked at her, wondering if she was joking, but seeing as she was a Healer and the best chance they had at recovering from the ordeal they'd just been through, they sat tight and waited for her to get round to them, sending everyone off to bed as soon as they were done.

"Oh and Charlie?" She called, not quite turning to face him as he paused in the doorway, "you're not going anywhere for two weeks. Someone needs to keep an eye on that leg, and I know for a fact that if you go back to Romania, you'll just let it fall off before getting it seen to."

He nodded, disappearing again.

As soon as she was certain she was alone, Ashley let her facade drop, collapsing into the nearest chair.
She didn't know why, but she still felt the need to pretend she was ok in front of everyone, even after escaping her dad. She supposed that was the remains of his controlling behaviour buried somewhere inside her. Whatever, she didn't have time. She took a deep breath, cutting the fabric away around her side and ribcage, trying to breathe through the pain. Whatever had happened, nothing was working to take the pain away, and the curse was working its way through her body like poison.

"Hey, Ash- Oh Merlin." Charlie suddenly appeared in the doorway again, eyes glued to the web of darkness spreading on Ashley's side.

Ashley looked up, fear written clear as day on her face. "It's nothing, easily fixable." She was already putting up her walls, even though she knew it was only Charlie, he'd seen her in worse condition than this.

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