Part 6: Police Chase

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Alex: WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING?! The police are after me, and they might arrest you if you work with me!

Ben: I kind of had to help, if the police weren't gonna do shit, we gotta do it! But uhh, sorry for yelling at Wolfalco. But I did hit his ass, right?

Alex: *whispers* Psst, out here you don't know me. *stops whispering* Let's go! *runs out*

Ben: *runs out like a ninja*

Once they leave the area, they notice police cars parked up.

Alex: Shit, ok we need to split up, get out of here.

Sarah: Actually, there will be no need! Attracopel, your under arrest! 

Alex: For helping?

Ben: Oh great it's my stalker!

Sarah: *glances at ben* So you DID know him?

Ben: Uhh, no! Just met him, was going to get McDonalds like I said, then the mall was attacked and I decided to help fight Wolfalco!

Sarah: Just put your hands behind your back and get in the car. But Attracopel, I demand you take your mask off.

Alex: No!

Cheif Kruel: *steps out the car with a gun* Is someone resisting arrest? If my daughter wasn't enough, *shoves sarah out of the way* then I'll scare you into submission, or maybe death! *points his gun at alex*

Alex: *repels Kruel and Sarah against the car* NOPE!

Cheif Kruel: WHY YOU LITTLE...

Ben: *notices his car* Attracopel, I'll drive us out!

Alex: Nothing like a getaway vehicle!

Both hop in Ben's car and Ben begins to drive, and he sticks his middle finger out the window briefly.

Cheif Kruel: OH A POLICE CHASE? *gets in his car* Sarah, your driving. 

Sarah: Alright! 

Sarah, Kruel and a policeman sniper get in the car, then their police car chases after Ben's car.

Ben: Uhh, we got company!

Alex: Crap, I gotta slow them down... Oh, I know! *opens his window, and then attracts a trash bin to him*

Sarah: He's using his powers!

Chief Kruel: Grrr... You, in the back, fire at their vehicle! Aim for the tires, slow them down by any means needed. Kill the driver if you need to.

Sniper: *sniffs his sniper and exhales as if he's on dru

Sarah: *weirded out expression* Who the hell are you hiring these days?

Sniper: *opens the car roof, and fires a few shots, all missing, but one bullet hits one of the mirrors*

Ben: OH COME ON, I JUST HAD THOSE DONE! Alex, any way to deal with that rifle bastard?

Alex: INKCOMING! *repels the trash bin, aiming for the top of the police car*

Sarah: DUCK!

Sniper: *ducks*

The trash can hits the front of the car and dents it.

Chief Kruel: Oh you wanna play rough? We'll do just that. *opens his window and fires a few shots*

Alex: Kruels firing, be careful!

Ben: Then I'll switch the difficulty from hard to EXPERT! *begins swaying the far from left and right*

Chief Kruel: Don't lose them, Sarah... 

Sarah: Oh come on dad, look who your talking to. *speeds up*

Sniper: *gets back up and aims again*

Alex: I wonder if this will work... *crawls to the back seat* Open the trunk.


Alex: Maybe, but still, I need to try this.

Ben: *sighs* If anything happens, I swear. *opens the trunk*

Alex: *repelling their police car*

Chief Kruel: FASTER!!!


The speed of the police car is clashing with the force of the repelling from Alex, until it creates a shockwave, launching both cars in opposite directions.

Ben: *his car sped up from the wave* ALEX, SEATBELT! *shuts the trunk*

Alex: *he's exhausted and panting from using his powers at such force*

Ben: Don't pass out on me yet!

The police car now has shattered windows and the sniper got sent flying out.

Chief Kruel: Grr... Chase them!

Sarah: What do you think I'm trying to do? *driving as fast as she can despite her damaged car and wheels*

Ben: *looks back* They still ain't giving up? Don't worry pal, I'll get us out of here. *drives beyond the speed limit then does a sharp turn right, which sends the car midair briefly* Wooooo!

Sarah: *chuckles* Oh this is gonna be good... *attempts to recreate what ben did, but crashes into another car*

The cars alarm goes off as the car comes to a stop.

Sarah: Whoops!

Chief Kruel: *glares at Sarah, then slaps her in the face*

Sarah: OW!

Alex: *wakes up* Sorry, dozed off...

Ben: Well we're well away from them now! And-

All cars are stopped, and eventually it comes clear that the two are in heavy traffic.


Dozens of agonising minutes later...

Ben: Yo, tell me where Twister was again!

Alex: Near a dumpster... I'll take you whenever we're out of this bullshit traffic...

Ben: *beeps his horn* MOVE IT!!!

The traffic begins to move.

Ben: FINALLY! Maybe I was given the power to speed up traffic!

Alex's phone rings. It's from Dr Twister.

Alex: *picks up* Hello?


Alex: ...

Dr Twister: I'm just kidding! Anyway, yes, I was watching you. I'm always watching... Nice job escaping the fuzz! How's Wolfalco? Shall I order a coffin on Amazon?

Alex: Unfortunately he got away, we got close to beating him. But we did get a few bullets up him.


Dr Twister: I like ya kid, you give 150%! Anyways, I don't want anymore trouble from Kruel, so I would appreciate it if after you slay Wolfalco, you come straight to me at the bunker, I have a special surprise! Dr Woodward and Leafnet worked really hard, so I'd appreciate it if you let their hard work pay off.

Alex: Alright, I'll come.


Dr Woodward: Because Leafnet left the stove on!

Dr Twister: Leafnet, what did I tell you about leaving the stove on? That's it, I'm stripping you of your stove privileges. Oh crap, I left the phone on. *hangs up*

After a long drive, Ben arrives at his apartment, then Alex walks over to his, not as Attracopel.

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