Game night

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After school, Louis, Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn went to Louis's house to get ready for the game. Niall went to the guest bathroom to put on his jersey, then Niall got a call from Emma, his girlfriend/childhood sweetheart, or he thought it was. It was Emma's mom saying that Emma had got into a bad wreck, and had a 50% of living. This was the first her mom had heard him crying. As soon as they had hung up, Niall called the coach and said he wouldn't be at the game, then he told the boys and they all agreed to go there after the game because Emma and Niall were all of their friends, but they couldn't go now, because the team would all pretty much be there. Liam got texted from the coach and said even though they were playing a home game to wear their away jerseys for Emma and Niall. Louis called Mark and told him not to come and for Samuel not to come either.

The game was sad and pitiful, No one actually cared about the game, everyone's mind was in a different place. In everyone's playing for Donny the only things twirling and twisting around their minds were Emma, Her family, Niall's family, and Niall. Niall's and Emma's family were super close growing up, both of their dads were best friends, both of their moms, both of their older brothers, They were all best friends. Donny won, but it wasn't all the usual happiness and cheerfulness, it was still all dreadful.

After the game everyone got into one of two cars, Louis's or Micheal's car to go to the hospital, in the car Louis called Niall and asked him if he needs anything. All he said was some clothes and some flowers, So Louis called Micheal and said "Mike go to the store and get red roses for Ni to give to Em, We (Harry, Liam, Luke, Roman, and Zayn) are going to Niall's house to get him some clothes, a razor, soap, and toothbrush and toothpaste" "Ok" Miceal replied

When they got to St. Simon's Medical Center, they went in and asked what room Emma Holland was in. She was in room 106, when they got to the room, It was almost scary. Most of them had never seen someone they loved hooked up to all of those wires. Louis had and always said "you never want to see it, all you can do is sit and listen to all of them" Louis had always hated hospitals, his mother dying made it so much worse. Niall looked up from Emma when he heard them thinking they were the doctors. Niall walked over to Louis to hug him, but when he did. He just collapsed and said "I don't know how you did this last year, Lou, I really don't, I love her so much, I'm saving for a ring already. It's scary, all those wires and tubes going everywhere"

"I know Niall, I still don't know how I did it. I'm here for you, We all are" Louis said into Niall's ear

After about 45 minutes of everyone just sitting there, Emma started to wake up. The wreck was at 3:00 PM, she was on her way to her house to get ready for the game. When she got did head by a distracted driver who swerved into the lane. She got knocked out as soon as the impact. It's 10:30 PM now.

"Louis go get the doctor!" Niall exclaimed frantically

"Ok" Louis replied moving Harry , who's asleep, off his lap

Dr.Smith came in and said "Emma Holland,17, Hit and knocked out via automobile being operated by a distracted driver, just now regaining conscious after 7 hours and 30 minutes"

Before the wreck. Emma POV

"I found out I was pregnant yesterday. Ni doesn't know yet. I'm going to surprise him at the game tonight" Emma said on her phone before starting her car and driving away from the school

Back to the present

"Mr.Horan, can we talk in the hall?" Dr. Smith asked

"Yes, or you can say it in here these lads are like my brothers" Niall replied

"Ok, Mr. Horan, Ms. Holland is pregnant," Dr. Smith said

Those 3 words just rocked Niall's World

"" Niall thought to himself

When Emma was awake and ok enough to talk, Niall asked "Baby why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant?"

"I just found out yesterday, I was gonna tell you tonight, but here we are. Are you mad?" Emma replied

"No baby, I could never be mad at you for that. Do our parents know?" Replied Niall moving Emma's hair out of her face

"Yes baby, they both knew the plan and aren't mad," Emma said

"Ok, I love you..and you," Niall said kissing Emma, then kissing her stomach

Louis said "Not to interrupted me and Hazzi are gonna go, It's 12 AM and he's been asleep for 2 hours plus I'm getting tired"

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