~ chapter 2 ~

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Todoroki's pov

I enter a cafe I came across after driving for a while, I go to sit at the farthest table there and just dive back into my thoughts until someone tapped the table, I flinched a little but later composed myself just to see who it was, it was one of the waiters, he had green curly hair with big clear green emerald eyes and also had freckles on his cheeks, he had cone to ask for my order and I just asked for some coffee, to be honest I was a wreck, my thoughts were all tangled up and i barely understood anything. I kept snapping in and out of my thoughts until a certain someone sat in front of me and dropped a cup

"Chamomile tea, it helps a lot, it's not compulsory but if u feel like it, do u wanna talk about it" he says with concern and worry evident in his voice and I immediately start to feel tears in my eyes so I quickly wipe them off

"Thanks" I responded and took a sip out of the tea looking at him

"Go on I'm listening" he says as I just stare at him

"It's just.........." I trail of as I start to remember the events that happened in the morning

"Let me guess, relationship problems" he says taking a sip out of the tea and looking at me

"Well....... actually yes" I responded not knowing why I was discussing things like this with a stranger

"So I'm thinking a fight happened and u both separated and now u are blaming yourself for it, I'm i right?" He asks and I just wondered how he is just guessing stuff like this and actually getting them Right

"Before I tell u anything I want to ask aren't u supposed to be working?" I ask him as I had regained my composure partially and I was back to my monotone expression

"Nah don't worry about that, hold up" he says as he stands up and leaves for about 5 minutes and then comes back to sit down
"ZUKU, JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR U OWE ME BIG TIME" a female voice shouts out the staff room
"YEAH YEAH I'VE HEARD U SO JUST HELP ME" he responds to the voice and then sigh before facing me fully

"Sorry about that" he says with an apologetic look

"No problem" I tell him not knowing
why he was apologizing

"Oops where are my manners" he says as he giggles and stretches his arm out
"Izuku midoriya" he says joyfully and smiled, his smile seemed so genuine and calm that it could set anyone at peace, "shoto todoroki" I responded shaking his hand

"So I believe u were about to tell me what happened" he says, going back to drinking his tea
I take a deep breath to think about what to do and I had a feeling that I could trust him so I decided to tell him everything
"Look I got into a fight with my boyfriend this morning, yes you are correct but we didn't actually separate, I just stormed off cause i was angry, I actually thought he would call me back and apologize but he didn't which really had me thinking, what if he actually doesn't want to see me anymore?, what if it was all my fault?, How do I even approach him to apologize, I don't understand anything and in all honesty it's just messing up my head" I say quickly as I feel tears start streaming down my cheeks

Midoriya just looks at me in shock but quickly regained his composure
"No wonder you were so sad and gloomy, you have the wrong thoughts and mindset of everything which isn't good, I mean sure you guys got into a fight and u left because u were angry, but him not calling you doesn't mean he doesn't want to see you, take it like this, he didn't call u back because he was so sad and angry that he made you sad and angry and he doesn't know how to apologize so he just let's you go so he can think of a way of saying sorry and making it up to you" he says as looks me in the eyes with nothing more than comfort and concern

I think about what he says for a while and clean up my face making my crying turn into sniffles
"So what I'm I supposed to do exactly" I ask looking up at him as I'm still not sure of what to do or even say
God I'm just getting worse by the day with my emotions
"Do u mind if I use my gift on you, trust me it's nothing bad and it'll help you calm down more" he asks as he held my hands
I didn't have the mind to say no so I just agreed and immediately I felt like I was in a dream that anything i want could happen, flashbacks of the moments me and katsuki spent together came flooding in and also the time we got Into fights but resolved them quickly, seeing everything happen makes me smile internally and before u know it, I had gotten my composure back completely and I was completely calm, I slowly returned back to reality when I was gently shaken by midoriya who released my hands from his hold

"I made sure not to check but by the looks of it you seem really better after looking at those memories, they must really be special to you if u are that happy to see memories of each other" he says happily and smiling while looking at me, honestly it was relaxing

"Thank you so much, u have a really nice and beautiful gift, and I'm really greatful to you for helping me out, not everyone is concerned about other people they don't even know" I say with my monotone expression but with happiness evident in my voice

"It's my pleasure and your welcome, all I want you to do now is go home and relax, do not think about it to much and try to get in contact with them to apologize, don't strain your self too much and i promise u that everything will be fine" he says with a pleading tone and smiles
He checks the time and I see his eyes widen "sorry but I gotta go, don't forget what I told u and stay safe ok" he said as he quickly rushed to staff room

"Thanks again and also thanks for the tea as well"I say after him in which he just smiles and leaves
He was really nice and going back on all that he told me, he was actually right and I'm pretty sure that everything will be okay
I hope

Izuku's pov

I quickly say bye to todoroki and head out, I had completely lost track of time and didn't know when my shift for the cafe was over, I rush home taking a quick shower and changing my clothes so I could get ready for my shift in the bar, I didn't have time for lunch so I just left home without it
I lock the door to the house and head out to the bar luckily my house isn't far from either of my work place so I got to the bar just in time
I quickly rush in and behind the counter when I heard a voice from in front of me

"Good evening midobro watsup, U've never come to work by this time before is something wrong" kirishima asks with a joyful smile

"It's nothing, I just lost track of time at the cafe and I ended up coming a little bit more late today"I say awkwardly scratching the back of my neck

"Hmmmmmm so zuku is starting to come late to work now is he, I don't know about you guys but I smell a ~boyfriend~ around" mina says smirking
I could feel my face go red a little bit as I brush the thought off my mind, I came out to everyone at the bar and cafe as gay at the beginning of this year and they were all supportive and they also started spilling out their secrets, momo as a girlfriend named jirou, Lida and uraraka are dating, tsuyu and hagakure are also dating some people that I don't remember their names
In the bar, mina and kirishima are dating, sero is also dating someone i can't remember and kaminari is dating my best friend shinsou, though he hasn't been around lately. he took a leave saying he had some things to sort out and since then i haven't heard from him.

"Don't be ridiculous how does a boyfriend stop me from coming to work early"I ask folding my arms and waiting for a response

"Ahem, they do In lots of ways " sero says and earns an elbow in the rib from kirishima

"Don't worry midobro, don't mind them, all of you should leave him alone and let's just get back to work" kirishima says and everyone returns to their original spots
About 30 minutes later, a particular customer enters with ash blonde hair and crimson read eyes, his facial expression was a mixture of sad, angry, confused and regret, he walks in and sits on a stool near the end of the counter and as he looks at everyone, it was as if he got even more pissed

With the way he's acting and the way he looks , he reminds me of an angry Pomeranian

Here u go people chapter 2 of this book and I will really appreciate it if people can vote for the chapters, I hope you are enjoying the book so far and I will make sure to upload chapter 3 very soon, stay safe everyone and until the next chapter😁

~1666 words~

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