part 9🌹🌹

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Jungkook POV.

Before going down,I rechecked my bag,so that I will not leave any important things.

Underwear,check.Okey everything check".

I found something on my table.I hold it."Of course I can't forget to bring this".I put the book in my bag too.The book Taehyung gave me.Of course,it's important.

I bring all my bags and luggage downstairs.

I hug my parents."Jungkook,take care of yourself.Call me when you get there".My dad said.

"Okay dad".I answered simply.

"Oh and don't forget to tell your sister to call us".My mum said.

"Okay mum.I will tell that witch to call you".I said while chuckling and receive my mother's playful hit to my shoulder.

"Okay mum and dad.I got to go now.Or she will call me non stop".I said and my parents nodded.

After put my luggage in the car,I bid goodbye to my parents and began to drive.

On the other side...

A sweet and handsome boy is reading his book while smiling.While he was reading,suddenly he heard a bell ring.He closed the book and put it in his drawer.After that,he took his necessary things and step to his class.

A few steps before arriving at the class,he can hear loud sound of children make him smile.Well that guy really love children.

He finally step inside the class make the kids stop playing with each other,and stand at their place.The guy put his bag on his desk,and show his big boxy smile to the children.

"Good morning kids!"The guy said with cheerful sweet voice.

"Good morning sir Taehyung!"The kids reply loudly with also cheerful tone make the guy named 'Taehyung' smile.

Meanwhile...with Jungkook POV.

I put my phone somewhere,using loud speaker."Hello noona".

"Jungkook ah.Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way.Gosh can't you be a little patient?"

My sister chuckle."Okay okay so you will be here around noon right?So what do you want to eat today?"

"No noona I think I will eat outside for lunch.Let's have dinner together then".

"Oh okay.Then,drive save Jungkook.Call me when you're near my house.Goodbye".

"I will,noona.Goodbye".I said and hung up.Well it takes around 3 hours from my house to Daegu.So I decided to eat outside,and take rest for a while at my sister's house.

Why am I suddenly feel excited to go there?Well maybe because I miss them too much.

Time skip...

"Okay kids..yesterday we learnt about numbers right?Okay who wants to tell me what are the numbers,raise your hand".Taehyung said while raising his hand.And as fast as lightning,the students raised their hand.Except for one student,who has her head hanging low.And Taehyung notice it.

"Okay then urmm..Juhyun,let's hear your answer".

The boy named Juhyun excitedly stand up make his chair almost fell down."One,two,three,four,five,six,se..
seven,eight,nine and...Ten!"The boy said while counting his fingers.

"Well done,Juhyun you're right.Give him a clap,kids".Taehyung said and the others clap loudly.

"Okay today,we are learning a new topic.Who can guess what it is?"

IT'S OKAY.(TAEKOOK FF)💜(COMPLETED✔️)Where stories live. Discover now