part 23🌹🌹

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'Goshh it feels so awkward'.Taehyung thought.

He is now in front of two boys that didn't see for a very long time.

"How are you Taehyung?"Jackson asked.

"Urmm I'm fine.What about you guys?"

"We are fine too.You came here with Jungkook right?"Yugyeon asked and Taehyung just nodded.

"That's great.He look so happy today.We are glad to see him like that.At least he's not like before".

"Before?What do you mean?"

Jackson sigh."If you want to know,Jungkook is so different before this.After you left,he looks so miserable.He don't want to eat, don't want to do anything.He don't even want to study.Then,after we encouraged him,we told him that you want him to study,then he somehow got effort to study and become successful.I think you know he loves you Taehyung.He looks really happy after meeting you".He said and Taehyung just silent,he knows Jungkook loves him,but he still denying it.

"Taehyung,are you still mad at him?"Yugyeom asked.

"I..I don't know.."

"I hope you won't be mad at him.I guess,he never told you this.On the day he didn't meet you for your date,he didn't actually ditch you, Taehyung.It's all because of us.We are the ones who invite him to go to my house,even if I know you're on the date with him.He became mad at us,because he can't see you.He don't want you to get mad.That's why he was too rushed at that time".Jackson said the truth.

"That's right,Taehyung.Believe us.Jungkook is not the cause of your mom's death.He is innocent.Okay we are the stupid one.We gave him the dare.We realized that Jungkook loves you at the first place.He just can't tell us.He don't want to lost the dare.But at the end,he lost you.He don't expect it.He said he rather lost the dare,than losing you". Yugyeom said.

"I never blamed him for my mother's death.I know he's innocent".

"Then why are you doing all this Tae?We know you love him,just like he love you.Why can't you tell the truth,Tae?"Yugyeom asked and Taehyung just sighed.

"I hope you can think about all that.We are sorry about everything Taehyung.We are his friends.We know his feelings,even if he never tell us.So we know,he looks so happy,but hurt inside when you can't reply his love.We got to go Taehyung.Let's meet again".They pat Taehyung's shoulder and left from there.

Taehyung POV.

Yes I know, he's innocent.I know from a long time.But why can't I accept him.Why can't I reply his love?He has been waiting for me for a long time.Thinking about it,making me go stress!

Time skip...

Jungkook POV.

After meeting my friends,I went to Taehyung who is laying his head on the table.


Slowly,he wake up and look at me."Hmm you're here..." Suddenly he hug my waist.

"Where did you go..."

"I met my friends.Sorry that I didn't tell you.They told me you're here.Tae,are you okay?"

Taehyung look up to Jungkook and smile."I'm okay,Kookie".

"You don't seem okay,and you called me Kookie.Wait are you drunk Tae?"

He suddenly pout."Urmm Taetae is not drunk".He make baby sound that I found it cute.

I kneel down to his level."Taetae,why are you drunk?Who made you drunk?"

He pointed my nose."You.You made me drunk in your love".He said and giggle.

IT'S OKAY.(TAEKOOK FF)💜(COMPLETED✔️)Where stories live. Discover now