Taehyung POV.
I lay down on my bed.I sigh.Well it's just..kind of unbelievable.
"Mrs.Jung,have a drink please".Taehyung said while placing the cup of coffee on the table.
"What a nice house.You live here alone,Tae?"
"Yes madam.I live alone.So..what are you doing here madam?"
Lisa smiled."Come sit here,Tae".Lisa pat beside her.And Taehyung just do as he say.
"Actually Tae,I need your help".
"How do you know".
"Well we know each other because your daughter is my students.What other reason can it be then?"
Lisa smile and nodded."True.So..let me straight to the point.Can you be Jiyeon's tutor at my house?"
Taehyung just stare at Lisa."Mrs.Jung?"
"Yes.You heard it right Tae.I'm asking you if you want to be Jiyeon's tutor.Tae,I know your behaviour.Even Jiyeon said to me that he likes you.So..if me,my husband and Jungkook can't be there for her,I hope you can.At least you can be her friend,if she can't get friends from her school.I heard,you're good at motivating people".
"Mrs.Jung.I'm her teacher.Won't she be awkward?"
"She won't.Trust me.I know my child.She will learn better,if she's with you.I will give you high payment".
"Mrs.Jung.It's not about payment.It's about how will Jiyeon be comfortable with me".
"He will Taehyung.Don't worry about it.But I won't force you.Think about it first.I got to go now.Thank you for the drink".Lisa said and get up from his seat.
"Wait Mrs.Jung.Where did you heard that I'm good at comforting people?"
"Jungkook.Oh I forgot to say,if you agree to tutor Jiyeon,I'm sure Jungkook will always go to my house,cause you are there.And Jiyeon will be happy too if you and Jungkook will be there for her.I hope you can help me,Taehyung".Lisa said and left.
End of flashback...
To be honest,I really want to tutor Jiyeon.But,how can I if I know Jungkook will surely come there.It will make me and him always meet.
Hmm nowadays,he always come to me.Well Yoongi hyung is his cousin,Jiminshi is Yoongi hyung's boyfriend.Mrs.Jung is Jiyeon's mother,and Jiyeon is my students.Why everyone I know is related with Jungkook.
"Wait related?!"I get up from my bed.
"Taehyung,try to analyze it now".I closed my eyes.Because of Jiyeon and Mrs.Jung,Jungkook and I met again.Because of Yoongi hyung is his cousin and Jimin's boyfriend,Jungkook always ask Jimin if he wants to go out with me.What can Jimin say then?
"Wait does it mean..."
Time skip...
"Taetae!Let's eat together".Jungkook said as soon as he saw Taehyung step outside his class.
"No".Taehyung answered simply.
"Wait Tae".Jungkook hold Taehyung's hand but Taehyung harshly yanked it away.
"Tae,what happen?"
"Nothing Mr.Jeon".Taehyung said and continue to walk.Jungkook blocked his way.
"It can't be nothing.You're different today.Why are you so mad?"
"I won't be mad if you didn't do any mistake".
"Mistake?What mistake I made?"
"Using people for your own good.Doesn't that count as mistake too?"
"Wait using people.Wait what are you talking about Tae?"
"Just..get the hell away please".Taehyung walk away but Jungkook hold him.
"I'll not letting you go until you tell me.What the hell is wrong with you Tae?You keep putting me in blame".
"Because you are!!You know what?Since I met you,I wonder why we always meet.Then when I look back,because of Yoongi hyung is your cousin,and Jimin's boyfriend.You used them.You stay in Yoongi hyung's house because you know,Yoongi hyung is my friend and he always invite me there.Jimin,he hated you.Because what happened before.But what's going on now?You guys are good friend.You always ask permission from Jimin to bring me here and there,because you know,Jimin is protective towards me.What kind of cousin are you?".
Taehyung back away."Stay away from me.I'm not done yet.Yesterday,your sister come to my house.She wants me to tutor your niece.Jiyeon and Mrs.Jung,you used them too.Cause you know she loves you,and will always do as you say.You and your sister come here together,but separate car.Your sister come here to pick Jiyeon.And you,come here for me.On that day,for the session I made.You and your sister supposed to come for Jiyeon.Then what happened?Your sister pick her up,and you dropped me home.Such a terrible excuse.You come here because you just want to see me.You made me think like..you didn't support your niece, Jungkook".
"But Tae..."
"Don't you dare to interrupt me!Let me ask you,your sister know about us right?After she ask me to be her child's tutor,she told me that if I come there,you will be there too".
Jungkook sigh."Yes.My sister know about us".
Taehyung chuckle bitterly."Oh...like I thought.That means...you're using your sister too.You made her to ask me for a help,so that I can be in that house.You told her about our past right?It means...she know what you did to me.Or..you plot twist the story.She must has thought that I'm desperate right,that I'm the one who made you used your sister,so that you can get me back.What kind of behaviour is that huh?"
"What do you actually want,Jungkook.Aren't you tired of hurting my feeling?When will you stop.I thought,we will never meet,or we meet,maybe we will be even better.But what now?It's getting worse.It'a pity that everyone I know,is related to you.How many attention you want huh?!Let's say I forgive you.What will I get?A heartbroken from you again?It's enough that I got hurt once.You can hurt me,but not people around you.You used anyone who know me,then what will you do?You just put trouble with them.If you think you made this,make me find your effort and forgive you,you're wrong.Totally wrong.You made me feel so bad now".Taehyung said and slowly walk away.
"Tae,I never have intention to do those.I never want to use them.Trust me".Jungkook said make Taehyung stopped.
"Most people wouldn't know,if they intended to do something,that they didn't think before doing it.This time,you made this worse than last time.Then how can I trust you?"
"It's such a pity,Jungkook.I'm about to forgive you,cause I can see your effort before this.But it slowly disappeared,when I got to know about this.If you know you're wrong,don't appear in front of me again,Jungkook".Taehyung said and walk away while wiping his teary eyes,without looking back.
Jungkook finally broke down into tears,his leg shaking that he lost his balance and fall on the ground.He know,it's hard to get Taehyung back.And he know,he can't give up.

Casuale"I'm sorry.We can't go out today.I am hanging out with my friends". The boy smiled."It's okay". "I'm sorry.I can't drive you home today.Can you go with a bus?" The boy smiled."It's okay". "I'm sorry". "......." Smile. "It's okay". when the hurt one...