12// The Stars Didn't Shine

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Year 2023
Seoul, South Korea
Garden, Shilla Hotel

After the unexpectedly pleasant dinner with Rona's family. She heads out to the garden and silently sits on one of the marble benches.

It was already late at night hence it was completely silent and dark out. Only the little dim orange lights that were strung up on the tall trees kept the garden well illuminated and lighted.

Rubbing her palms together in a nervous way, Rona sighs as she shuts her eyes to go through what she had planned to do.

'Did you ask to see me?'

Looking up, Rona smiles awkwardly and nods at the male who stood in front of her.

Patting her hands softly on the empty space beside her. She gently speaks with her slightly shaky voice.

'You're here? Come and sit down...'

The male shrugs his shoulders and returns a awkward smile as he sat beside her.

There was a slight distance between the two. Looking up at the dark sky, Rona smiles and comments with a disappointed pout.

'Unlike a few days ago... It seems like the stars aren't happy again today. They aren't even showing themselves.... Tskk'

Seokhoon smiles at her comment and looks up at the sky. With his gentle voice, he speaks as he secretly glances at the female who focused all her attention to the star less night sky.

'It's probably just cloudy.... It's not advisable to make wishes tonight then. The stars aren't even showing themselves.'

Chuckling at his little joke, Rona nods in agreement as she looks down at her lap.

Seokhoon smiles secretly as he hears her laughter. It was like music to his ears, due to the fact that he had rarely heard her laughter because of the numerous pain and tragedy that haunted them continuously.

Her laughter, chuckling or even giggles became the sounds he wanted to hear the most.

It was almost like a reassurance that she wasn't hurting and that she was somehow fine and not pained or sad in any way.

There was a slightly awkward and tensed silence between them after that. Until Rona decided it was finally time to speak again.

'Seokhoon ah....'

Looking up at the female with his wistful and confused eyes, Seokhoon tilts his head urging her to continue.

'You know.... That I'm going back to New York for good.....I just wanted to take this opportunity and talk to you. You know, maybe we can still be good friends?'

Seokhoon's eyes widen at her remark, looking up and meeting her hazel orbs. He could feel his own eyes start to tear up.

Was this finally her goodbye? Would he never have a chance again? What does he do now?

Sucking in all the remaining ounce of confidence he had left in his body. Seokhoon plasters on a fake smile and makes a decision impulsively on the spot.

Reaching his hand out, he gently smiles at the female.

'Sure..... We can be friends, I'd be happy with that.'

There was a twinge in Rona's heart. Deep inside her heart, she was torn into two different sides.

First, she was relieved.... Relieved that he at least would like to be friendly with her but at the same time heartbroken and dejected. Because at this point it may mean he had also actually given up on the possibility and thought of a reconciliation and the continuation of their love story.

Saudade // Bae Rona × Joo Seokhoon AU 🌃✨🖤Where stories live. Discover now