Meeting the Van der Linde gang.

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Two men were walking through the fields outside of Blackwater as they were looking for a certain gunslinger. These men were Arthur Morgan.

 These men were Arthur Morgan

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And John Marston.

John: Remind me why we have to look for this guy?

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John: Remind me why we have to look for this guy?

Arthur: According to Uncle's silly stories, there is a guy around this place that steals from those fool enough to pass by, not only that but supposedly he never misses a shot.

John: Really? Someone that never misses a shot? That's unbelievable.

Arthur: As much as I hate to agree with you, I do not believe it either.  But Dutch says that if there actually is someone like that,  we should try to make peace, or something .

They kept walking for ten minutes as John then stopped.

John: Hey, I say we just leave already, we've been walking a long time and we haven't seen anyone that would look like an outlaw. In fact, we don't even know how this feller looks like.

Arthur: Yeah, let's go back to the horses and tell Dutch that there is no such thing as-

???: What are you two doing here?

Arthur felt something being pointed at the back of his head as John sees a guy with a mask pointing a revolver at Arthur  from behind and tries to reach for his revolver but notices it wasn't on his holster.

John looks at the guy and sees he lifted his other arm and showing John's revolver on his hand.

John: When did he...?

Arthur: Okay, take it easy, friend.

John looks at the guy well and notices that he was no more than a teenager.

John: Arthur, he's just a kid.

Arthur: Still, he has a goddamn gun to my head, Marston. 

???: You guys don't look like fools, or maybe you do but not the kind that I'm used to deal with.

Dead Eye Shot  (Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now